Jae Lee (né en 1972 en Corée du Sud) est un auteur de bande dessinée américain. Son premier travail d'envergure consiste en treize épisodes de Namor the Sub-Mariner écrits par Robert Harras en 1992-1993. Sa mini-série des Inhumains, réalisée avec le scénariste Paul Jenkins en 1998-1999, lui a valu un Prix Eisner. Entre 2007 et 2010, il travaille sur La Tour sombre, adaptation en bande dessinée de... Lire la suite
4 Fantásticos: Tomos Únicos (Los)
Action Comics (2011)
Army of Darkness (The Art of) (Dynamite - 2015)
Avengers (Marvel Icons)
Batman/Superman (2013)
Batman/Superman (en espagnol)
Batman: Jekyll & Hyde (2005)
Before Watchmen: Ozymandias (2012)
Captain America (100% Marvel)
Captain America (Marvel Deluxe - 2011)
Captain America Vol.4 (2002)
Colección Extra Superhéroes - Inhumanos
Cyberforce (1993)
Daredevil (100% Marvel - 1999)
Daredevil (Marvel Deluxe)
Daredevil Vol. 2 (1998)
Dark Tower (The) (TPB)
Dark Tower (The): Battle of Jericho Hill (2010)
Dark Tower (The): The Gunslinger Born (2007)
Dark Tower (The): The Long Road Home (2008)
Dark Tower (The): Treachery (2008)
Dark Tower : Guide To Gilead (The)
Dark Tower : Gunslinger's Guidebook
Escapists (The) (2006)
Excalibur (1988)
Fables (2002)
Fables (couverture cartonnée)
Fables (couverture souple)
Facteur X (X-Factor)
Fantastic Four (100% Marvel - 1999)
Fantastic Four: 1234 (2001)
Hellshock (1994)
Hellshock (1997)
Hulk & Thing : Hard Knocks (2004)
Hulk (100% Marvel - 1999)
Hulk (Marvel Monster Edition)
Hulk (Must-Have)
Incredible Hulk Vol.2 (The) (2000)
Inhumans : Tour d'ivoire
Inhumans Vol.2 (1998)
Kabuki - Images
Marvel Comics Presents Vol.1 (1988)
Marvel Icons (Marvel France - 2005)
Marvel Knights (1998)
Marvel Swimsuit Special (1992)
Marvel Ultimate (Hachette collections)
Namor, The Sub-Mariner (Marvel - 1990)
Namor, The Sub-Mariner Omnibus (2019)
Panini Comics (20 ans)
Planète Hulk
Sentry (The) (2000)
Seven Sons
Spider-Man Vol.1 (1990)
Superman - Action Comics
Superman - American Alien
Superman Saga
Tomb Raider : The Series (1999)
Tour sombre (La)
Tourments de Double-Face (Les)
Transformers / G.I. Joe : 1939
Ultimate - Coleccionable Ultimate
Ultimate Fantastic Four
Ultimate Fantastic Four
Ultimate Fantastic Four (2004)
Vampirella Crossover Gallery (1997)
Vigía (El)
War of Kings (2009)
WildC.A.T.s Sourcebook (1993)
WildC.A.T.s Trilogy (1993)
X-Factor par Peter David
X-Factor Vol.1 (1986)
X-Force - Le chant du bourreau
X-Men (Semic)
X-Men - La Collection Mutante
X-Men poster magazine
X-Men Vol.1 (The Uncanny) (1963)
Young Avengers
Young Avengers (2005)
Youngblood Strikefile
Aliens vs. Predator Annual (1999)
Animal Man (2011)
Animal Man (DC Renaissance)
Avengers (Marvel Icons)
Avengers Vol.3 (1998)
Batman (TPB)
Batman Eternal (2014)
Batman Eterno
Batman/Superman (2013)
Before Watchmen
Black Panther Vol.4 (2005)
Captain America (Marvel Deluxe - 2011)
Captain America Vol.4 (2002)
Catwoman Eternal
Catwoman Vol.4 (2011)
Conan the Barbarian (2023)
Daredevil (100% Marvel - 1999)
Daredevil : L'Homme sans peur (Marvel Deluxe - 2008)
Daredevil Vol. 2 (1998)
Dark Crystal (The Power of the)
Dark Reign Saga
Darkwing Duck : Justice Ducks
Darkwing Duck : NegaDuck
Dead Irons (2009)
Deadpool - La collection qui tue (Hachette)
Deadpool Pulp
Deadpool Pulp (2010)
Deathlok Vol.2 (1991)
Deathlok Vol.3 (1999)
Detective Comics (Période Rebirth, 2016)
Devolution (2016)
Disney Villains: Hades (2023)
Dune: House Atreides
Earth 2: World's End (2014)
Fallen World
Fantastic Four: 1234 (2001)
Flinch (1999)
Free Comic Book Day 2019 (France)
Free Comic Book Day 2024
Gargoyles (2022)
Ghost Riders: Heaven's on Fire (2009)
Green Lantern: Our Worlds at War (2001)
Grim (2022)
Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988)
Hellshock (1994)
Hellshock (1997)
Heroic Age : Age of Heroes (2010)
Hulk & Thing : Hard Knocks (2004)
Hulk (Marvel Monster Edition)
Incredible Hulk Vol.2 (The) (2000)
Inhumans Vol.2 (1998)
Knight Terrors: Wonder Woman
Lilith (Howell)
Manhunter (2004)
Marvel Comics : Le meilleur des Super-Héros - La collection (Hachette)
Marvel Comics Presents Vol.1 (1988)
Marvel Knights 20th (2018)
Michael Turner's Fathom: Prelude (2005)
Namor - Le premier mutant
Namor, The Sub-Mariner (Marvel - 1990)
Namor: The First Mutant (2010)
Nubia Queen of the Amazons (2022)
Panini Comics (20 ans)
Punisher War Journal Vol.1 (1988)
Sandman Universe (The) (2018)
Sentry (The) (2000)
Showcase '94 (DC comics - 1994)
Sisters Of Sorrow (Boom! Studios - 2017)
Sonjaversal (2021)
Spider-Man (2e série)
Spider-Man 2099 (1992)
Spider-Man Vol.1 (1990)
Stone (1998)
Superman Saga
Tellos (1999)
Ten Grand (2013)
Ultimate Fantastic Four (2004)
Vampirella Helliday 2024 Special
Vampirella Monthly (1997)
Vampirella Versus Red Sonja (2022)
Vampirella Versus The Superpowers (2023)
War of Kings: Road to War of Kings (2009)
Wolverine (2e série)
Wolverine By Jason Aaron : The Complete Collection (2013)
Wonder Woman: Black & Gold (2021)
World's Finest: Our Worlds at War (2001)
X-Men (L'intégrale)
X-Men Vol.1 (The Uncanny) (1963)
Young Avengers (2005)
Zorro (1994)
(DOC) Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol.4 (2004)