Le professeur Charles Xavier, alias Professor X est un mutant télépathe. Comme lui, de nombreux mutants possédant des pouvoirs extraordinaires vivent parmi les simples hommes. La cohabitation se révélant généralement difficile, il décide de créer une école spécialisée pour accueillir ces jeunes mutants souvent désarçonnés face à la découverte de leurs pouvoirs. Une équipe de cinq X-Men vont former... Lire la suite
0-1. The boy who saw tomorrow
Marvel Comics - 07/1997
1. X-Men
Marvel Comics - 09/1963
2. No one can stop the vanisher!
Marvel Comics - 11/1963
3. Beware the blob!
Marvel Comics - 01/1964
4. The brotherhood of evil mutants!
Marvel Comics - 03/1964
5. Trapped: one X-Man
Marvel Comics - 05/1964
6. Sub-mariner joins the evil mutants!
Marvel Comics - 07/1964
7. The return of the blob
Marvel Comics - 09/1964
8. The uncanny threat of...unus, the untouchable!
Marvel Comics - 11/1964
9. Enter the avengers
Marvel Comics - 01/1965
10. The coming of... ka-zar!
Marvel Comics - 03/1965
11. The triumph of magneto
Marvel Comics - 05/1965
12. The origin of professor x
Marvel Comics - 07/1965
13. Where walks the juggernaut
Marvel Comics - 09/1965
14. Among us stalk... the sentinels!
Marvel Comics - 11/1965
15. Prisoners of the mysterious master mold!
Marvel Comics - 12/1965
16. The supreme sacrifice!
Marvel Comics - 01/1966
17. ...and none shall survive!
Marvel Comics - 02/1966
18. If iceman should fail..!
Marvel Comics - 03/1966
19. Lo! Now Shall Appear -- The Mimic!
Marvel Comics - 04/1966
21. From Whence Comes... Dominus?
Marvel Comics - 06/1966
22. Divided we fall
Marvel Comics - 07/1966
24. The plague of the Locust!
Marvel Comics - 09/1966
27. Re-enter: The Mimic!
Marvel Comics - 12/1966
28. The Wail of the Banshee
Marvel Comics - 01/1967
29. When titans clash
Marvel Comics - 02/1967
30. The Warlock wakes
Marvel Comics - 03/1967
31. We must destroy the Cobalt Man
Marvel Comics - 04/1967
32. Beware the Juggernaut, my son
Marvel Comics - 05/1967
33. Into the crimson cosmos
Marvel Comics - 06/1967
34. War in a world of darkness
Marvel Comics - 07/1967
35. Along came a spider
Marvel Comics - 08/1967
36. Mekano lives
Marvel Comics - 09/1967
37. We, the jury
Marvel Comics - 10/1967
38. The sinister shadow of doomsday
Marvel Comics - 11/1967
39. The fateful finale
Marvel Comics - 12/1967
40. The mark of the monster
Marvel Comics - 01/1968
41. Now strikes the Sub-human
Marvel Comics - 02/1968
42. If I should die
Marvel Comics - 03/1968
43. The torch is passed
Marvel Comics - 04/1968
44. Red Raven, Red Raven
Marvel Comics - 05/1968
45. When mutants clash
Marvel Comics - 06/1968
46. The end of the X-Men
Marvel Comics - 07/1968
47. The Warlock wears three faces
Marvel Comics - 08/1968
48. Beware Computo, commander of the robot hive
Marvel Comics - 09/1968
49. Who dares Defy... the Demi-men?
Marvel Comics - 10/1968
50. City of mutants
Marvel Comics - 11/1968
51. The devil had a daughter
Marvel Comics - 12/1968
52. Twilight of the mutants
Marvel Comics - 01/1969
53. The rage of Blastaar
Marvel Comics - 02/1969
54. Wanted: dead or alive...Cyclops
Marvel Comics - 03/1969
55. The living Pharaoh
Marvel Comics - 04/1969
56. What is the power ?
Marvel Comics - 05/1969
57. The Sentinels... Live!
Marvel Comics - 06/1969
58. Mission : murder
Marvel Comics - 07/1969
59. Do or die, baby
Marvel Comics - 08/1969
60. In the Shadow of... Sauron!
Marvel Comics - 09/1969
61. Monsters also weep
Marvel Comics - 10/1969
62. Strangers in a Savage land
Marvel Comics - 11/1969
63. War in the world below
Marvel Comics - 12/1969
64. The coming of Sunfire
Marvel Comics - 01/1970
65. Before I'd be slave
Marvel Comics - 02/1970
66. The mutants and the monster
Marvel Comics - 03/1970
67. The Juggernaut attacks!
Marvel Comics - 12/1970
69. The Supreme Sacrifice! -- Lo! Now Shall Appear...The Mimic!
Marvel Comics - 04/1971
74. Cry Holocaust!
Marvel Comics - 02/1972
75. Re-enter: The Mimic!
Marvel Comics - 04/1972
77. Now Strikes -- the Super-Adaptoid!
Marvel Comics - 08/1972
80. Beware the Juggernaut, my son
Marvel Comics - 02/1973
81. Into the crimson cosmos
Marvel Comics - 04/1973
82. War... in a world of darkness
Marvel Comics - 06/1973
83. Along came a spider
Marvel Comics - 08/1973
84. Mekano lives
Marvel Comics - 10/1973
85. We, the jury
Marvel Comics - 12/1973
86. The sinister shadow of... Doomsday
Marvel Comics - 02/1974
87. Fateful finale (The)
Marvel Comics - 04/1974
88. Mark of the monster (The)
Marvel Comics - 06/1974
89. Now strikes...the sub-Human
Marvel Comics - 08/1974
90. If I Should Die...!
Marvel Comics - 10/1974
91. The Torch is Passed...!
Marvel Comics - 12/1974
92. Red Raven, Red Raven...!
Marvel Comics - 02/1975
93. When mutants clash!
Marvel Comics - 04/1975
94. The Doomsmith scenario
Marvel Comics - 08/1975
95. Warhunt
Marvel Comics - 10/1975
96. Night of the demon
Marvel Comics - 12/1975
97. My brother, my enemy
Marvel Comics - 02/1976
98. Merry Christmas, X-Men: the Sentinels have returned
Marvel Comics - 04/1976
99. Deathstar rising!
Marvel Comics - 06/1976
100. Greater love hath no X-Man...
Marvel Comics - 08/1976
101. Like a phoenix, from the ashes
Marvel Comics - 10/1976
102. Who will stop the Juggernaut ?
Marvel Comics - 12/1976
103. The fall of the tower
Marvel Comics - 02/1977
104. The gentleman's name is Magneto
Marvel Comics - 04/1977
105. Phoenix unleashed
Marvel Comics - 06/1977
106. Dark shroud of the past
Marvel Comics - 08/1977
107. Where no X-Man has gone before
Marvel Comics - 10/1977
108. Armageddon now
Marvel Comics - 12/1977
109. Home are the heroes
Marvel Comics - 02/1978
110. The X-Sanction
Marvel Comics - 04/1978
111. Mindgames
Marvel Comics - 06/1978
112. Magneto triumphant!
Marvel Comics - 08/1978
113. Showdown
Marvel Comics - 09/1978
114. Desolation
Marvel Comics - 10/1978
115. Visions of death!
Marvel Comics - 11/1978
116. To save the savage land
Marvel Comics - 12/1978
117. Psi War
Marvel Comics - 01/1979
118. Submergence of Japan (The)
Marvel Comics - 02/1979
119. 'Twas the night before Christmas
Marvel Comics - 03/1979
120. Wanted : Wolverine dead or alive
Marvel Comics - 04/1979
121. Shoot-out at the stampede
Marvel Comics - 05/1979
122. Cry for the children
Marvel Comics - 06/1979
123. "Listen stop me if you've heard it, but this one will kill you!"
Marvel Comics - 07/1979
124. He only laughs when i hurt
Marvel Comics - 08/1979
125. There's something awful on mMuir island
Marvel Comics - 09/1979
126. How sharper than a serpent's tooth...!
Marvel Comics - 10/1979
127. Quality of hatred (The)
Marvel Comics - 11/1979
128. The action of the tiger!
Marvel Comics - 12/1979
129. God spare the child
Marvel Comics - 01/1980
130. Dazzler
Marvel Comics - 02/1980
131. Run for your life
Marvel Comics - 03/1980
132. And Hellfire is their name
Marvel Comics - 04/1980
133. Wolverine alone
Marvel Comics - 05/1980
134. Too late, the heroes
Marvel Comics - 06/1980
135. Dark Phoenix
Marvel Comics - 07/1980
136. Child of light and darkness
Marvel Comics - 08/1980
137. The fate of Phoenix
Marvel Comics - 09/1980
138. Elegy
Marvel Comics - 10/1980
139. ... Something wicked this way comes!
Marvel Comics - 11/1980
140. Rage
Marvel Comics - 12/1980
141. Days of Future Past
Marvel Comics - 01/1981
142. Everybody dies
Marvel Comics - 02/1981
143. Demon
Marvel Comics - 03/1981
144. Even in death
Marvel Comics - 04/1981
145. Kidnapped
Marvel Comics - 05/1981
146. Murderworld
Marvel Comics - 06/1981
147. Rogue storm
Marvel Comics - 07/1981
148. Cry, Mutant
Marvel Comics - 08/1981
149. And the dead shall bury the living!
Marvel Comics - 09/1981
150. I, Magneto
Marvel Comics - 10/1981
151. X-Men minus one!
Marvel Comics - 11/1981
152. The hellfire gambit
Marvel Comics - 12/1981
153. Kitty's fairy tale
Marvel Comics - 01/1982
154. Reunion
Marvel Comics - 02/1982
155. First blood
Marvel Comics - 03/1982
156. Pursuit
Marvel Comics - 04/1982
157. Hide 'n' seek
Marvel Comics - 05/1982
158. Life that late I led
Marvel Comics - 06/1982
159. Night screams
Marvel Comics - 07/1982
160. Chutes and ladders
Marvel Comics - 08/1982
161. Gold rush
Marvel Comics - 09/1982
162. Beyond the farthest star
Marvel Comics - 10/1982
163. Rescue mission
Marvel Comics - 11/1982
164. Binary Star !
Marvel Comics - 12/1982
165. Transfigurations !
Marvel Comics - 01/1983
166. Live free or die !
Marvel Comics - 02/1983
167. The goldilocks syndrome !
Marvel Comics - 03/1983
168. Professor Xavier is a jerk !
Marvel Comics - 04/1983
169. Catacombs
Marvel Comics - 05/1983
170. Dancin' in the dark
Marvel Comics - 06/1983
171. Rogue
Marvel Comics - 07/1983
172. Scarlet in Glory
Marvel Comics - 08/1983
173. To have and have not
Marvel Comics - 09/1983
174. Romances
Marvel Comics - 10/1983
175. Phoenix
Marvel Comics - 11/1983
176. Decisions
Marvel Comics - 12/1983
177. Sanction
Marvel Comics - 01/1984
178. Hell hath no fury..
Marvel Comics - 02/1984
179. What happened to Kitty?
Marvel Comics - 03/1984
180. Whose life is it anyway?
Marvel Comics - 04/1984
181. Tokyo story
Marvel Comics - 05/1984
182. Madness
Marvel Comics - 06/1984
183. He'll never make me cry
Marvel Comics - 07/1984
184. The past... of future days
Marvel Comics - 08/1984
185. Public enemy
Marvel Comics - 09/1984
186. Lifedeath
Marvel Comics - 10/1984
187. Wraithkill
Marvel Comics - 11/1984
188. Legacy of the lost
Marvel Comics - 12/1984
189. Two girls out to have fun
Marvel Comics - 01/1985
190. An age undreamed of
Marvel Comics - 02/1985
191. Raiders of the lost temple
Marvel Comics - 03/1985
192. Fun games
Marvel Comics - 04/1985
193. Warhunt 2
Marvel Comics - 05/1985
194. Juggernaut's back in town
Marvel Comics - 06/1985
195. It was a dark and stormy night
Marvel Comics - 07/1985
196. What was that ?
Marvel Comics - 08/1985
197. To save arcade
Marvel Comics - 09/1985
198. Lifedeath : from the heart of darkness
Marvel Comics - 10/1985
199. Spiral path (The)
Marvel Comics - 11/1985
200. The Trial of Magneto
Marvel Comics - 12/1985
201. Duel
Marvel Comics - 01/1986
202. X-Men... I've Gone To Kill -- The Beyonder!
Marvel Comics - 02/1986
203. Crossroads
Marvel Comics - 03/1986
204. What Happened to Nightcrawler ?
Marvel Comics - 04/1986
205. Wounded Wolf
Marvel Comics - 05/1986
206. Freedom is a four letter word!
Marvel Comics - 06/1986
207. Ghosts
Marvel Comics - 07/1986
208. Retribution
Marvel Comics - 08/1986
209. Salvation
Marvel Comics - 09/1986
210. The Morning After
Marvel Comics - 10/1986
211. Massacre
Marvel Comics - 11/1986
212. The last run
Marvel Comics - 12/1986
213. Psylocke
Marvel Comics - 01/1987
214. With Malice toward all
Marvel Comics - 02/1987
215. Old Soldier
Marvel Comics - 03/1987
216. Crucible
Marvel Comics - 04/1987
217. Folly's Gambit
Marvel Comics - 05/1987
218. Charge of the light brigade
Marvel Comics - 07/1987
219. Where duty lies
Marvel Comics - 07/1987
220. Unfinished buisness
Marvel Comics - 08/1987
221. Death by Drowning
Marvel Comics - 11/1987
222. Heartbreak
Marvel Comics - 11/1987
223. Omens & portents
Marvel Comics - 11/1987
224. The dark before the dawn
Marvel Comics - 12/1987
225. False dawn!
Marvel Comics - 01/1988
226. Go tell the spartans
Marvel Comics - 02/1988
227. The belly of the beast
Marvel Comics - 03/1988
228. Deadly games
Marvel Comics - 04/1988
229. Down Under
Marvel Comics - 05/1988
230. Twas the night
Marvel Comics - 06/1988
231. Dressed for dinner !
Marvel Comics - 07/1988
232. Earthall
Marvel Comics - 08/1988
233. Dawn of blood
Marvel Comics - 09/1989
234. Glory days
Marvel Comics - 09/1989
235. Welcome to Genosha
Marvel Comics - 10/1988
236. Busting loose
Marvel Comics - 10/1988
237. Who's humans?
Marvel Comics - 11/1988
238. Revolution
Marvel Comics - 11/1989
239. MR sinister
Marvel Comics - 12/1988
240. Strike the match
Marvel Comics - 01/1988
241. Fan the flames
Marvel Comics - 02/1989
242. Burn
Marvel Comics - 03/1989
243. Ashes
Marvel Comics - 04/1989
244. Ladies night
Marvel Comics - 05/1989
245. Men!
Marvel Comics - 06/1989
246. The days of other lights!
Marvel Comics - 07/1989
247. The light that failed
Marvel Comics - 08/1989
248. Fall
Marvel Comics - 09/1989
249. The Dane curse
Marvel Comics - 09/1989
250. The shattered star
Marvel Comics - 10/1989
251. Fever dream
Marvel Comics - 11/1989
252. Where's Wolverine
Marvel Comics - 11/1989
253. Storm warnings!
Marvel Comics - 11/1989
254. Here we go again
Marvel Comics - 12/1989
255. Crash&burn
Marvel Comics - 12/1989
256. The key that breaks the lock
Marvel Comics - 12/1989
257. Lady Mandarin
Marvel Comics - 01/1990
258. Broken chains
Marvel Comics - 02/1990
259. Dream a little dream
Marvel Comics - 03/1990
260. Blam!
Marvel Comics - 04/1990
261. Harriers hunt
Marvel Comics - 05/1990
262. Scary monsters
Marvel Comics - 06/1990
263. The lower depths
Marvel Comics - 07/1990
264. Hot pursuit
Marvel Comics - 07/1990
265. Storm
Marvel Comics - 08/1990
266. Gambit
Marvel Comics - 08/1990
267. Nanny
Marvel Comics - 09/1990
268. Madripoor knights
Marvel Comics - 09/1990
269. Rogue redux
Marvel Comics - 10/1990
270. First strike
Marvel Comics - 11/1990
271. Flashpoint!
Marvel Comics - 12/1990
272. Capital crimes
Marvel Comics - 01/1991
273. Too many mutants
Marvel Comics - 02/1991
274. Crossroads
Marvel Comics - 03/1991
275. The path not taken !
Marvel Comics - 04/1991
276. Double death
Marvel Comics - 05/1991
277. Free charley
Marvel Comics - 06/1991
278. The battle of muir isle
Marvel Comics - 07/1991
279. Bad to the bone
Marvel Comics - 08/1991
280. One Step Back... Two Steps Forward
Marvel Comics - 09/1991
281. Fresh up start
Marvel Comics - 10/1991
282. Payback
Marvel Comics - 11/1991
283. Bishop's crossing
Marvel Comics - 12/1991
284. Into the void
Marvel Comics - 01/1992
285. Down the rabbit hole
Marvel Comics - 02/1992
286. Close call
Marvel Comics - 03/1992
287. Bishop to king's five
Marvel Comics - 04/1992
288. Time and place
Marvel Comics - 05/1992
289. Knots
Marvel Comics - 06/1992
290. Frayed
Marvel Comics - 07/1992
291. Underbelly
Marvel Comics - 08/1992
292. The morlocks take manhattan
Marvel Comics - 09/1992
293. The last morlock story
Marvel Comics - 10/1992
294. X-cutioner's song part 1 : overture
Marvel Comics - 11/1992
295. X-cutioner's song part 5 : familiar refrain
Marvel Comics - 12/1992
296. X-cutioner's song part 9 : crescendo
Marvel Comics - 01/1993
297. X-cutioner's song epilogue : up and around
Marvel Comics - 02/1993
298. For the children
Marvel Comics - 03/1993
299. Nightlines
Marvel Comics - 04/1993
300. Legacies
Marvel Comics - 05/1993
301. Dominion
Marvel Comics - 06/1993
302. Province
Marvel Comics - 07/1993
303. Going through the motion
Marvel Comics - 08/1993
304. ...For What I Have Done
Marvel Comics - 09/1993
305. The measure of the man
Marvel Comics - 10/1993
306. Mortal coils
Marvel Comics - 11/1993
307. Bloodties part 4 : night and fog
Marvel Comics - 12/1993
308. Mixed blessings
Marvel Comics - 01/1994
309. When the tigers come at night
Marvel Comics - 02/1994
310. Show me the way to go home
Marvel Comics - 03/1994
311. Putting the cat out
Marvel Comics - 04/1994
312. Romp
Marvel Comics - 05/1994
313. Hands across the water
Marvel Comics - 06/1994
314. Early frost
Marvel Comics - 07/1994
315. Peers
Marvel Comics - 08/1994
316. Phalanx covenant : generation next part 1
Marvel Comics - 09/1994
317. Phalanx covenant : generation next part 3
Marvel Comics - 10/1994
318. Moving day
Marvel Comics - 11/1994
319. Untapped potential
Marvel Comics - 12/1994
320. Legion quest part 1 : the son rises in the east
Marvel Comics - 01/1995
321. Legion quest part 3 : auld lang syne
Marvel Comics - 02/1995
322. Dark walk
Marvel Comics - 07/1995
323. A nation rising
Marvel Comics - 08/1995
324. Deadly messengers
Marvel Comics - 09/1995
325. Generation of evil
Marvel Comics - 10/1995
326. Nature of evil
Marvel Comics - 11/1995
327. Whispers on the wind
Marvel Comics - 12/1995
328. Precipice
Marvel Comics - 01/1996
329. Warriors of the ebon night
Marvel Comics - 02/1996
330. Quest for the crimson dawn
Marvel Comics - 03/1996
331. The splinter of our discontent
Marvel Comics - 04/1996
332. The road to casablanca
Marvel Comics - 05/1996
333. The other shoe
Marvel Comics - 06/1996
334. Dark horizon
Marvel Comics - 07/1996
335. Apcalypse lives!
Marvel Comics - 08/1996
336. A voice as deep as thunder
Marvel Comics - 09/1996
337. Know thy enemy
Marvel Comics - 10/1996
338. A hope reborn a past reclaimed
Marvel Comics - 11/1996
339. Fight and flight
Marvel Comics - 12/1996
340. Relativity
Marvel Comics - 01/1997
341. When strikes a gladiator
Marvel Comics - 02/1997
342. Did i miss something ?
Marvel Comics - 03/1997
343. Where no x-man has gone before!
Marvel Comics - 04/1997
344. Casualties of war
Marvel Comics - 05/1997
345. Moving on
Marvel Comics - 06/1997
346. The story of the year
Marvel Comics - 08/1997
347. Big night
Marvel Comics - 09/1997
348. Because i said so
Marvel Comics - 10/1997
349. The crawl
Marvel Comics - 11/1997
350. Trial & errors
Marvel Comics - 12/1997
351. Hours & minutes
Marvel Comics - 01/1998
352. In sin air
Marvel Comics - 02/1998
353. Blackbirds
Marvel Comics - 03/1998
354. Prehistory
Marvel Comics - 04/1998
355. North & south
Marvel Comics - 05/1998
356. Reunion
Marvel Comics - 06/1998
357. The sky is falling
Marvel Comics - 07/1998
358. Lost in space
Marvel Comics - 08/1998
359. Power play
Marvel Comics - 09/1998
360. Children of the atom
Marvel Comics - 10/1998
361. Thieves in the temple
Marvel Comics - 11/1998
362. The hunt for xavier ! part 1 : meltdown
Marvel Comics - 12/1998
363. The hunt for xavier ! part 3 : when you're unwanted
Marvel Comics - 01/1999
364. The hunt for xavier ! part 5 : escape from alcatraz
Marvel Comics - 01/1999
365. Ghost of x-mas past
Marvel Comics - 02/1999
366. The shot heard around the world
Marvel Comics - 03/1999
367. Disturbing behavior
Marvel Comics - 04/1999
368. Mansions in heaven
Marvel Comics - 05/1999
369. Collision course
Marvel Comics - 06/1999
370. History repeats
Marvel Comics - 07/1999
371. Rage against the machine part 1 : crossed wires
Marvel Comics - 08/1999
372. Dream's end part 1 : rude awakenings
Marvel Comics - 09/1999
373. Beauty & the beast part 1 : broken mirrors
Marvel Comics - 10/1999
374. Beauty & the beast part 2 : you can't go home again
Marvel Comics - 11/1999
375. I am not now, nor have i ever been
Marvel Comics - 12/1999
376. Filling in the blanks
Marvel Comics - 01/2000
377. The end of the world as we know it
Marvel Comics - 02/2000
378. First and last
Marvel Comics - 03/2000
379. What dreams may come
Marvel Comics - 04/2000
380. Heaven's shadow
Marvel Comics - 05/2000
381. Night of masques
Marvel Comics - 06/2000
382. Lost souls
Marvel Comics - 07/2000
383. Moscow knights
Marvel Comics - 08/2000
384. Crimson pirates
Marvel Comics - 09/2000
385. Shell game
Marvel Comics - 10/2000
386. For those in peril
Marvel Comics - 11/2000
387. Cry justice, cry vengeance
Marvel Comics - 12/2000
388. Dream's end part 1 : the past is but prologue
Marvel Comics - 12/2000
389. The good sheperd
Marvel Comics - 01/2001
390. The cure
Marvel Comics - 02/2001
391. Dad
Marvel Comics - 03/2001
392. Eve of destruction part 1
Marvel Comics - 04/2001
393. Eve of destruction part 3 : like lambs to the slaughter
Marvel Comics - 05/2001
394. Playing god
Marvel Comics - 06/2001
395. Poptopia part 1 : useless beauty
Marvel Comics - 07/2001
396. Poptopia part 2 : the glamorous life
Marvel Comics - 08/2001
397. Poptopia part 3: a complete unknown
Marvel Comics - 09/2001
398. Poptopia part 4 : the clash
Marvel Comics - 10/2001
399. For unlawful carnal knowledge
Marvel Comics - 11/2001
400. Supreme confessions
Marvel Comics - 12/2001
401. Golden
Marvel Comics - 01/2002
402. Utility of myth
Marvel Comics - 02/2002
403. Lurking
Marvel Comics - 03/2002
404. Army ants
Marvel Comics - 04/2002
405. Ballroom blitzkrieg
Marvel Comics - 06/2002
406. Staring contests are for suckers
Marvel Comics - 07/2002
407. Gläubiger, heiler, gefallener
Marvel Comics - 08/2002
408. Identity crisis
Marvel Comics - 09/2002
409. Rocktopia
Marvel Comics - 09/2002
410. Hope part 1
Marvel Comics - 10/2002
411. Hope part 2
Marvel Comics - 10/2002
412. Hope part 3
Marvel Comics - 11/2002
413. Annie's moving story
Marvel Comics - 11/2002
414. Fall down
Marvel Comics - 12/2002
415. Secrets
Marvel Comics - 01/2003
416. Living in a mansion
Marvel Comics - 02/2003
417. Dominant species part 1
Marvel Comics - 03/2003
418. Dominant species part 2
Marvel Comics - 03/2003
419. Dominant species part 3
Marvel Comics - 04/2003
420. Dominant species part 4
Marvel Comics - 05/2003
421. Rules of engagement part 1
Marvel Comics - 06/2003
422. Rules of engagement part 2
Marvel Comics - 06/2003
423. Holy war part 1
Marvel Comics - 07/2003
424. Holy war part 2
Marvel Comics - 07/2003
425. Sacred vows part 1
Marvel Comics - 08/2003
426. Sacred vows part 2
Marvel Comics - 08/2003
427. The dead have no rights
Marvel Comics - 09/2003
428. The draco prologue : how did i get there ?
Marvel Comics - 10/2003
429. The draco part 1
Marvel Comics - 10/2003
430. The draco part 2
Marvel Comics - 10/2003
431. The draco part 3
Marvel Comics - 11/2003
432. The draco part 4
Marvel Comics - 12/2003
433. The draco part 5
Marvel Comics - 01/2004
434. The draco part 6
Marvel Comics - 01/2004
435. The trial of juggernaut part 1
Marvel Comics - 02/2004
436. The trial of juggernaut part 2
Marvel Comics - 02/2004
437. She lies with angels part 1
Marvel Comics - 03/2004
438. She lies with angels part 2
Marvel Comics - 03/2004
439. She lies with angels part 3
Marvel Comics - 04/2004
440. She lies with angels part 4
Marvel Comics - 04/2004
441. She lies with angels part 5
Marvel Comics - 05/2004
442. Of darkest nights part 1
Marvel Comics - 06/2004
443. Of darkest nights part 2
Marvel Comics - 06/2004
444. The end of history part 1
Marvel Comics - 07/2004
445. The end of history part 2 : death and the maiden
Marvel Comics - 08/2004
446. The end of history part 3 : burning sage
Marvel Comics - 09/2004
447. The end of history part 4 : hell hath no fury
Marvel Comics - 10/2004
448. Guess who's back in town
Marvel Comics - 11/2004
449. To slay a queen
Marvel Comics - 11/2004
450. The cruelest cut
Marvel Comics - 12/2004
451. Impediments
Marvel Comics - 12/2004
452. Chasing hellfire part 1
Marvel Comics - 01/2005
453. Chasing hellfire part 2 : cardinal betrayal
Marvel Comics - 02/2005
454. Chasing Hellfire, part 3: Cardinal Law
Marvel Comics - 03/2005
455. World's end part 1 : not dead yet ?
Marvel Comics - 04/2005
456. World's end part 2 : on ice
Marvel Comics - 04/2005
457. World's end part 3 : cutting edge
Marvel Comics - 05/2005
458. World's end part 4 : the enemy of my enemy
Marvel Comics - 06/2005
459. World's end part 5 : bad company
Marvel Comics - 07/2005
460. Resurrections & reunions
Marvel Comics - 08/2005
461. Mojo rising
Marvel Comics - 08/2005
462. Season of the witch part 1
Marvel Comics - 09/2005
463. Season of the witch part 2 : we're not in kansas anymore
Marvel Comics - 10/2005
464. Season of the witch part 3 : to die for
Marvel Comics - 11/2005
465. Season of the witch part 4 : chaos rules
Marvel Comics - 12/2005
466. Grey's end part 1 : last night i had the strangest dream
Marvel Comics - 01/2006
467. Grey's end part 2 : 24 seconds
Marvel Comics - 02/2006
468. Grey's end part 3 : deathmark
Marvel Comics - 03/2006
469. Wand'ring star part 1
Marvel Comics - 04/2006
470. Wand'ring star part 2 : gal on the run
Marvel Comics - 04/2006
471. Wand'ring star part 3 : glory days
Marvel Comics - 05/2006
472. The first foursaken part 1 : pulling strings
Marvel Comics - 06/2006
473. The first foursaken part 2 : family lies
Marvel Comics - 07/2006
474. The first foursaken part 3 : loose ends
Marvel Comics - 08/2006
475. Rise and fall of the shi'ar empire part 1 : plan b
Marvel Comics - 09/2006
476. Rise and fall of the shi'ar empire part 2 : the things they left behind
Marvel Comics - 09/2006
477. Rise And Fall of the Shi'ar Empire, part 3: Vulcan's Progress
Marvel Comics - 10/2006
478. Rise and fall of the shi'ar empire part 4 : castaways
Marvel Comics - 11/2006
479. Rise and fall of the shi'ar empire part 5 : double-edged
Marvel Comics - 12/2006
480. Rise and fall of the shi'ar empire part 6 : vulcan's progress (redux)
Marvel Comics - 01/2007
481. Rise And Fall of the Shi'ar Empire, part 7: Crossing the Rubicon
Marvel Comics - 02/2007
482. Rise And Fall of the Shi'ar Empire part 8: Imperial Rescue
Marvel Comics - 03/2007
483. Rise and fall of the shi'ar empire part 9 : vulcan's descent
Marvel Comics - 04/2007
484. Rise and fall of the shi'ar empire part 10 : in exile
Marvel Comics - 05/2007
485. Rise And Fall of the Shi'ar Empire, part 11: The End of All That Is
Marvel Comics - 06/2007
486. Rise and fall of the shi'ar empire part 12 : endings and beginnings
Marvel Comics - 07/2007
487. The extremists part 1
Marvel Comics - 08/2007
488. The extremists part 2
Marvel Comics - 09/2007
489. The extremists part 3
Marvel Comics - 10/2007
490. The extremists part 4
Marvel Comics - 11/2007
491. The extremists part 5
Marvel Comics - 12/2007
492. Messiah complex part 2
Marvel Comics - 01/2008
493. Messiah complex part 6
Marvel Comics - 02/2008
494. Messiah complex part 10
Marvel Comics - 03/2008
495. X-men : divided part 1
Marvel Comics - 04/2008
496. X-men : divided part 2
Marvel Comics - 05/2008
497. X-men : divided part 3
Marvel Comics - 06/2008
498. X-men : divided part 4
Marvel Comics - 07/2008
499. X-men : divided part 5
Marvel Comics - 08/2008
500. Sfx part 1
Marvel Comics - 09/2008
501. Sfx part 2 : all tomorrow's parties
Marvel Comics - 10/2008
502. Sfx part 3 : beginning to see the light
Marvel Comics - 11/2008
503. Sfx part 4
Marvel Comics - 12/2008
504. Lovelorn part 1
Marvel Comics - 01/2009
505. Lovelorn part 2
Marvel Comics - 02/2009
506. Lovelorn part 3
Marvel Comics - 04/2009
507. Lovelorn part 4
Marvel Comics - 05/2009
508. No title
Marvel Comics - 06/2009
509. No title
Marvel Comics - 06/2009
510. No title
Marvel Comics - 07/2009
511. No title
Marvel Comics - 08/2009
512. The Origins of the Species
Marvel Comics - 08/2009
513. Utopia, part 2
Marvel Comics - 09/2009
514. Utopia, part 4
Marvel Comics - 10/2009
515. Nation x
Marvel Comics - 11/2009
516. Nation x part 2
Marvel Comics - 12/2009
517. Nation x part 3
Marvel Comics - 01/2010
518. Nation x part 4
Marvel Comics - 02/2010
519. Nation x part 5
Marvel Comics - 02/2010
520. Nation x part 6
Marvel Comics - 03/2010
521. Nation x part 7
Marvel Comics - 04/2010
522. Ghostly
Marvel Comics - 05/2010
523. Second coming part 2
Marvel Comics - 06/2010
524. Second coming part 6
Marvel Comics - 07/2010
525. Second coming part 10
Marvel Comics - 08/2010
526. The five lights par 1 : freak like me
Marvel Comics - 09/2010
527. The five lights part 2 : velocidad
Marvel Comics - 10/2010
528. The five lights part 3
Marvel Comics - 11/2010
529. The five lights part 4
Marvel Comics - 12/2010
530. Quarantine part 1
Marvel Comics - 01/2011
531. Quarantine Part 2
Marvel Comics - 02/2011
532. Quarantine part 3
Marvel Comics - 03/2011
533. Quarantine part 4
Marvel Comics - 04/2011
534. Quarantine part 5
Marvel Comics - 04/2011
535. Breaking point part 1
Marvel Comics - 06/2011
536. Breaking point part 2
Marvel Comics - 06/2011
537. Breaking point part 3
Marvel Comics - 07/2011
538. Breaking point part 4
Marvel Comics - 08/2011
539. Losing hope
Marvel Comics - 08/2011
540. Fear itself
Marvel Comics - 09/2011
541. Fear itself part 2
Marvel Comics - 09/2011
542. Fear itself part 3
Marvel Comics - 10/2011
543. Fear itself part 3
Marvel Comics - 10/2011
544. The final issue
Marvel Comics - 12/2011
600. Uncanny X-Men #600
Marvel Comics - 11/2015
AN1963. King-Size special X-Men
Marvel Comics - 11/1971
AN1979. A fire in the sky
Marvel Comics - 12/1979
AN1980. Nightcrawler's Inferno
Marvel Comics - 11/1980
AN1981. Ou, la la badoon
Marvel Comics - 10/1981
AN1982. Blood feud
Marvel Comics - 12/1982
AN1983. Scavenger hunt
Marvel Comics - 12/1983
AN1984. The Adventures of Lockheed the space dragon and his pet girl Kitty
Marvel Comics - 12/1984
AN1985. There's no place like home
Marvel Comics - 12/1985
AN1986. Performance
Marvel Comics - 12/1986
AN1987. Lost in the funhouse
Marvel Comics - 12/1987
AN1988. Resurrection
Marvel Comics - 10/1988
AN1989. Atlantis attacks : Double cross
Marvel Comics - 12/1989
AN1990. Days of Future Present: Part Four
Marvel Comics - 01/1990
AN1991. Kings of Pain Part 3
Marvel Comics - 01/1991
AN1992. The masters of inevitability / Angel of death / The roots of the past
Marvel Comics - 08/1992
AN1993. The gift goodbye
Marvel Comics - 08/1993
AN1994. Truth is a two-edge sword / And nothing will ever be the same
Marvel Comics - 08/1994
AN1995. Growing pains
Marvel Comics - 11/1995
AN1996. Destiny's child
Marvel Comics - 11/1996
AN1997. No trust, no honor, no rules !
Marvel Comics - 01/1997
AN1999. Utopia perdida
Marvel Comics - 11/1999
AN2000. Share
Marvel Comics - 11/2000
AN2001. Absolute Progeny
Marvel Comics - 01/2001
AN2006. Annual 1 : Dream of Africa
Marvel Comics - 08/2006
AN2009. Annual 2: White Queen, Dark Reign
Marvel Comics - 03/2009
INT. Days Of Future Past
Marvel Comics - 05/1989
INT. From the Ashes
Marvel Comics - 05/1997
INT. Hope
Marvel Comics - 01/2003
INT. Days of future past (extended)
Marvel Comics - 01/2004
INT. Dominant species
Marvel Comics - 09/2004
INT. The New Age Volume 1: The End of History
Marvel Comics - 12/2004
INT. House of M: Uncanny X-Men
Marvel Comics - 02/2006
INT. The New Age Volume 4: End of Greys
Marvel Comics - 07/2006
INT. The New Age Volume 5: First Foursaken
Marvel Comics - 10/2006
INT. Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire
Marvel Comics - 07/2007
INT. The Extremists
Marvel Comics - 12/2007
INT. Divide We Stand
Marvel Comics - 09/2008
INT. Lovelorn
Marvel Comics - 06/2009
INT. Sisterhood
Marvel Comics - 09/2009
INT. Manifest Destiny
Marvel Comics - 10/2009
INT. The Birth of Generation Hope
Marvel Comics - 12/2010
INT. Lifedeath
Marvel Comics - 06/2011
INT. Quarantine
Marvel Comics - 06/2011
INT. Breaking Point
Marvel Comics - 09/2011
INT. The Complete Collection by Matt Fraction volume 1
Marvel Comics - 02/2013
INT. The Complete Collection by Matt Fraction volume 2
Marvel Comics - 04/2013
INT. The Complete Collection by Matt Fraction volume 3
Marvel Comics - 06/2013
INT. X-Corps
Marvel Comics - 09/2013
INT05. She Lies With Angels
Marvel Comics - 05/2004
OMNI01. The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus volume 1
Marvel Comics - 08/2013
OMNI02. The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus volume 2
Marvel Comics - 04/2014
OMNI03. The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus volume 3
Marvel Comics - 02/2016
OMNI04. The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus volume 4
Marvel Comics - 03/2021
OMNI1. The X-men Omnibus Vol. 1
Marvel Comics - 01/2022
OMNI2. The X-Men Omnibus Vol. 2
Marvel Comics - 05/2011
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