Spider-Man 2099 est un personnage de fiction, un super-héros appartenant à l'univers de Marvel Comics. Créé par Peter David et Rick Leonardi, il fait partie de la série Marvel 2099 une création de Marvel Comics, commencée en 1992, qui était à l' origine un futur possible de l' univers Marvel, mais révélée plus tard dans un point culminant de l' arc Superior Spider-Man, Goblin Nation, et de Amazing... Lire la suite
1. Issue #1
Marvel Comics - 11/1992
2. Nothing Ventured...
Marvel Comics - 12/1992
3. Nothing Gained
Marvel Comics - 01/1993
4. The Specialist
Marvel Comics - 02/1993
5. Blood Oath
Marvel Comics - 03/1993
6. Downtown
Marvel Comics - 04/1993
7. Wing and a Prayer
Marvel Comics - 05/1993
8. Flight of Fancy
Marvel Comics - 06/1993
9. Home Again Home Again
Marvel Comics - 07/1993
10. Mother's Day
Marvel Comics - 08/1993
11. Under Siege
Marvel Comics - 09/1993
12. Death from on High
Marvel Comics - 10/1993
13. Everything Is Permitted Nothing Is Forbidden... ...in Virtual Unreality
Marvel Comics - 11/1993
14. Boiling Point
Marvel Comics - 12/1993
15. Whoever Holds This Hammer...
Marvel Comics - 01/1994
16. The Fall of the Hammer Part 1 of 5
Marvel Comics - 02/1994
17. It's Bloodsword vs. Spider-Man 2099
Marvel Comics - 03/1994
18. Blown Circuits
Marvel Comics - 04/1994
19. The New Spider-Man 2099, Yeah, Right.
Marvel Comics - 05/1994
20. System Clash
Marvel Comics - 06/1994
21. Warning: Don't Get in His Way
Marvel Comics - 07/1994
22. Did You Just Say...?
Marvel Comics - 08/1994
23. Old Friends... New Foes!
Marvel Comics - 09/1994
24. Assault and Batteries
Marvel Comics - 10/1994
25. Truth Hurts
Marvel Comics - 11/1994
26. The Web of Life
Marvel Comics - 12/1994
27. Welcome to Nightshade
Marvel Comics - 01/1995
28. Showdown in Nightshade
Marvel Comics - 02/1995
29. Going Out Of Business Sale
Marvel Comics - 03/1995
30. This is not a clone of Spider-Man 2099
Marvel Comics - 04/1995
31. Route 666
Marvel Comics - 05/1995
32. Day of the Dead
Marvel Comics - 06/1995
33. Strange 2099 Meets Spider-Man 2099 AD
Marvel Comics - 07/1995
34. Web of Doom
Marvel Comics - 08/1955
35. Spider-Man 2099 A.D. Versus Venom 2099 A.D.
Marvel Comics - 09/1995
36. Venom 2099 A.D.
Marvel Comics - 10/1995
37. It Tickled When We Kissed
Marvel Comics - 11/1995
38A. Silent Scream
Marvel Comics - 11/1995
AN01. Annual 1
Marvel Comics - 09/1994
INT01. Spider-Man 2099 volume 1
Marvel Comics - 05/2013
INT02. Spider-Man 2099 volume 2
Marvel Comics - 09/2013
INT03. Classics volume 3: The Fall of the Hammer
Marvel Comics - 01/2015
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés