Brian Stelfreeze est un artiste américain travaillant dans la bande dessinée. Dessinateur, encreur et peintre, il a couvré pour tous les grands éditeurs américains. Stelfreeze est l'un des membres fondateurs de Gaijin Studios à Atlanta.
Amazing Heroes Swimsuit Special (1990)
Authority (The)
Batman - Black & White
Batman 80-page giant (1998)
Batman Black and White (1996)
Batman Mythology
Black Panther : Je suis Black Panther
Crimson (1998)
Day Men
Detective Comics (1937)
Décennies - Marvel dans les années ...
Excalibur (1988)
Free Comic Book Day 2015 (France)
Gen Active (2000)
Heretic (The) (1996)
Homage Studios Swimsuit Special (1993)
Jonah Hex Vol.2 (DC Comics - 2006)
Kabuki : Masks of Noh (1996)
Marvel Comics (2019)
Marvel Comics 1000
Marvel Comics Presents Vol.1 (1988)
Marvel Swimsuit Special (1992)
Matador (2005)
Midnighter Vol.1 (2007)
Namor, The Sub-Mariner (Marvel - 1990)
Pantera Negra
Panthère Noire (100% Marvel - 2017) (La)
Punisher Summer Special (1991)
Ride (The)
Ride (The) (2004)
Shadows & Light (1998)
Showcase '94 (DC comics - 1994)
Super Heroes Collection
Superman/Batman (2003)
Thomas River
Wednesday Comics
Wildstorm Summer Special (2001)
Wildstorm Swimsuit Spécial (Image comics - 1994/1997)
Wonder Woman Vol.2 (1987)
X-Men Unlimited (1993)
X-Men Vol.2 (1991)
Authority (The) (2006)
Authority (The) : L'Année perdue
Batman (One shots - Graphic novels)
Batman (TPB)
Batman 80-page giant (1998)
Batman/Demon (1996)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat (1992)
Black Magic (1990)
Black Panther Vol.6 (2016)
Captain America (Marvel Graphic Novels)
Detective Comics (1937)
Dragon (The): Blood & Guts (1995)
Dreaming Eagles
Dreaming Eagles (Aftershok - 2016)
Fallen Angels (2003)
Flash (The) Vol.2 (1987)
Green Lantern Vol.3 (1990)
Hercules : The Legendary Journeys (1996)
James Bond 007: Goldeneye (Topps comics - 1996)
JLA (1997)
Jonah Hex Vol.2 (DC Comics - 2006)
Kabuki : Masks of Noh (1996)
Marvel Comics (2019)
Marvel Comics 1000
Marvel Comics : La collection (Hachette)
Marvel illustrated (1991)
Marvel Méga Hors Série
Marvel Swimsuit Special (1992)
Matador (2005)
Midnighter Vol.1 (2007)
Nadesico (1999)
Namor, The Sub-Mariner (Marvel - 1990)
Number of the Beast (2008)
Panthère Noire (100% Marvel - 2017) (La)
Paradox (1991)
Ride (The)
Robin (1993)
Shadows & Light (1998)
Showcase '94 (DC comics - 1994)
Spider-man megazine (1994)
Superman : The Man of Steel Vol.1 (1991)
Venus wars II (The)
Wednesday Comics
Wildstorm Swimsuit Spécial (Image comics - 1994/1997)
Wonder Woman : War of the Gods (2016)
Young Death: Young Death: Boyhood of a Superfiend (1992)
Zorro (1994)
(DOC) Marvel Comics (en anglais)
(DOC) Official Marvel index to the X-Men (The) (1994)