Crimson revolves around a young man named Alex Elder who is attacked by a gang of vampires while out late with his friends. Bitten, Alex is saved by Ekimus, the last of an ancient race pre-dating humanity, who claims Alex is "The Chosen One." Alex becomes the first and last of his kind, gaining powers beyond that of a normal vampire, who is destined to bring the end to vampirekind. The series follows... Lire la suite
1. Dawn to Dusk
Image Comics - 05/1998
2. Unlife story
DC Comics - 06/1998
3VC. Payment in Blood
Image Comics - 07/1998
4. The Children of Judas, Part One: Politics in the Blood
Image Comics - 08/1998
5. The Children of Judas, Part Two: Behind the Hood
Image Comics - 09/1998
6. The Children of Judas, Part Three: Running Mates
Image Comics - 11/1998
7. Hark
Image Comics - 12/1998
8. Crossroads
DC Comics - 03/1999
9. Raptus
DC Comics - 05/1999
10. Lamentum
DC Comics - 06/1999
11. Memoria
DC Comics - 08/1999
12. Cantus Excio
DC Comics - 09/1999
13. Life Sentence
DC Comics - 12/1999
14. U-turn
DC Comics - 01/2000
15. Christmas Passed
DC Comics - 02/2000
16. Revelations
DC Comics - 03/2000
17. Twisted Paths
DC Comics - 04/2000
18. Vale of Tears
DC Comics - 07/2000
19. Burnt Offerings
DC Comics - 08/2000
20. The Fire This Time
DC Comics - 10/2000
21. Blood and Tears
DC Comics - 11/2000
22. The Cleansing Fire
DC Comics - 12/2000
23. The Narrowing Gyre
DC Comics - 01/2001
24. Excelsus Dei
DC Comics - 02/2001
INT01. Loyalty and Loss
DC Comics - 06/1999
Sp. Dynamic Forces Premiere Edition
DC Comics - 02/1998
SP2. Sourcebook
DC Comics - 11/1999
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