Robo-Hunter is a recurring strip in the British Comic 2000 AD, initially written by John Wagner and illustrated by Ian Gibson. The series starred Sam Slade, a laconic, ageing, cigar-smoking bounty hunter of robots that have gone renegade. Though action oriented, the series was noted for its humorous tone.
1. The Beast of Blackheart Manor
Quality Comics - 10/1986
2. The Beast of Blackheart Manor (2)
Quality Comics - 11/1986
3. The Filby Case
Quality Comics - 12/1986
4. The Filby Case part 4
Quality Comics - 01/1987
5. Day of the Droids
Quality Comics - 02/1987
6. Bax the Burner
Quality Comics - 03/1987
7. The Bougainville Massacre
Quality Comics - 04/1987
8. Mars! The Devil Planet!
Quality Comics - 04/1987
9. The Red Death
Quality Comics - 08/1987
10. Golgotha
Fleetway - 09/1987
11. George
Fleetway - 10/1987
12. The Killing of Kidd
Fleetway - 11/1987
13. The Killing of Kidd (2)
Fleetway - 12/1987
14. Football Crazy
Fleetway - 01/1988
15. Football Crazy (2)
Fleetway - 02/1988
16. Play It Again, Sam
Fleetway - 03/1988
17. Play It Again, Sam (2)
Fleetway - 04/1988
18. Play It Again, Sam (3)
Fleetway - 04/1988
19UK. Play It Again, Sam (4)
Fleetway - 05/1988
20UK. The Slaying of Slade
Fleetway - 06/1988
21UK. The Slaying of Slade (2)
Fleetway - 07/1988
22UK. The Slaying of Slade (3)
Fleetway - 08/1988
23UK. The Slaying of Slade (4)
Fleetway - 09/1988
24UK. The Slaying of Slade (5)
Fleetway - 10/1988
25UK. The Slaying of Slade (6)
Fleetway - 11/1988
26UK. Sam Slade's Last Case
Fleetway - 11/1988
27UK. Sam Slade's Last Case (2)
Fleetway - 12/1988
28UK. Farewell, My Billions
Fleetway - 01/1989
29UK. Farewell, My Billions (2)
Fleetway - 02/1989
30UK. Farewell, My Billions (3)
Fleetway - 03/1989
31UK. Farewell, My Billions (4)
Fleetway - 04/1989
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