Spinning off from the pages of Batman comes a senses-shattering new series! The HALO Corporation has gathered a motley crew of operatives, led by Cole Grifter Cash, who are going to make the world a better place...no matter who they have to kill! Working in the shadows of the DC Universe, this new covert team has been tasked with gathering an elite group of scientists for the first phase of their... Lire la suite
1. Better Living Through Violence
DC Comics - 12/2022
2. A Better, Brighter, Bloodier Future
DC Comics - 02/2023
3. Building Tomorrow's Heroes Today
DC Comics - 03/2023
4. A New World Begins with Bloodshed
DC Comics - 04/2023
INT. the complete series
DC Comics - 07/2024
INT01. Better living through violence
DC Comics - 07/2023
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés