Alien Encounters is an American science fiction anthology comic book published by FantaCo Enterprises and then Eclipse Comics. The comic debuted with FantaCo in 1981, and in 1985 was revived by Eclipse, where (starting over from issue 1) it ran for fourteen issues until 1987. Eclipse began publishing the title soon after the cancellation of Alien Worlds, a similar science-fiction themed anthology.
1. A New Beginning...
Eclipse comics - 06/1985
2. Issue #2
Eclipse comics - 08/1985
3. Issue #3
Eclipse comics - 10/1985
4. Issue #4
Eclipse comics - 12/1985
5. Issue # 5
Eclipse comics - 02/1986
6. Issue #6
Eclipse comics - 04/1986
7. Issue #7
Eclipse comics - 06/1986
8. Issue #8
Eclipse comics - 08/1986
9. Issue #9
Eclipse comics - 10/1986
10. Issue #10
Eclipse comics - 12/1986
11. Issue #11
Eclipse comics - 02/1987
12. Issue #12
Eclipse comics - 04/1987
13. Issue #13
Eclipse comics - 06/1987
14. Issue # 14
Eclipse comics - 08/1987
SP. Special Flying Saucer Issue
Eclipse comics - 01/1981
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