As this new Green Lantern series begins, the newly formed United Planets and the Guardians of the Universe hold an intergalactic summit to decide who can best serve and protect the cosmos from danger. With the entire landscape of the universe in flux, is this the end of the Green Lantern Corps...or a new beginning?
1. The Source of Peace
DC Comics - 06/2021
2. Death is a Door
DC Comics - 07/2021
3. Cosmology Lesson
DC Comics - 08/2021
4. Polarity
DC Comics - 09/2021
5. The Standard Model
DC Comics - 10/2021
6. Entanglement
DC Comics - 11/2021
7. Deus Novus Viarum
DC Comics - 01/2022
8. Lucis Lator
DC Comics - 01/2022
9. Praxis
DC Comics - 02/2022
10. Apotheosis
DC Comics - 03/2022
11. Viridis Eques
DC Comics - 04/2022
12. Nova Lux
DC Comics - 06/2022
AN. Exposure Therapy
DC Comics - 11/2021
INT01. Invictus
DC Comics - 12/2021
INT02. Horatius
DC Comics - 07/2022
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