Following the devastating events of 'The Elite Saga', Aspen Matthews finds herself at a decisive crossroads in her life-with the memories of her past no longer weighing her down, she is finally able to set about building a new life in San Diego once more. But, being the daughter of two worlds is no easy feat-and Aspen will quickly discover the winds of change oftentimes lead directly into the perils... Lire la suite
1B. Part 1 of 8
Aspen Comics - 02/2017
2B. Part 2 of 8
Aspen Comics - 03/2017
3B. Part 3 of 8
Aspen Comics - 04/2017
4A. Part 4 of 8
Aspen Comics - 05/2017
5A. Part 5 of 8
Aspen Comics - 06/2017
6A. Part 6 of 8
Aspen Comics - 07/2017
7B. Part 7 of 8
Aspen Comics - 08/2017
8A. Part 8 of 8
Aspen Comics - 09/2017
INT06. Typhos Awaken
Aspen Comics - 07/2018
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés