DC Special was a comic book anthology series published by DC Comics originally from 1968 to 1971. It resumed publication from 1975 to 1977. For the most part, DC Special was a theme-based reprint title, mostly focusing on stories from DC's Golden Age. At the end of its run it published a few original stories.
1. An All-Infantino Issue
DC Comics - 10/1968
2. Issue #2
DC Comics - 01/1969
3. All-Girl Issue
DC Comics - 04/1969
4. 13 Shock-Ending Stories 13
DC Comics - 07/1969
5. The Secret Lives of Joe Kubert
DC Comics - 12/1969
6. The Wild Frontier
DC Comics - 01/1970
7. Strangest Sports Stories Ever Told!
DC Comics - 04/1970
8. Wanted -- The World's Most Dangerous Villains
DC Comics - 07/1970
9. Strangest Sports Stories Ever Told!
DC Comics - 10/1970
10. Stop... You Can't Beat the Law!
DC Comics - 01/1971
11. Beware...the Monsters Are Here!
DC Comics - 03/1971
12. The Viking Prince
DC Comics - 06/1971
13. Strangest Sports Stories Ever Tol
DC Comics - 07/1971
14. Wanted - The World's Most Dangerous Villains!
DC Comics - 09/1971
15. Issue #15
DC Comics - 11/1971
16. Super-Heroes Battle Super-Gorillas
DC Comics - 02/1975
17. Issue #17
DC Comics - 05/1975
18. Earth Shaking Stories
DC Comics - 10/1975
19. War against the Giants
DC Comics - 12/1975
20. Issue #20
DC Comics - 02/1976
21. Super-Heroes' War Against the Monsters
DC Comics - 04/1976
22. A Monster Met on the Road to Calais!
DC Comics - 06/1976
23. Secret of the Spanish Blade
DC Comics - 08/1976
24. The King and the Red-Skinned Savage
DC Comics - 10/1976
25. Die by the Sword
DC Comics - 12/1976
26. Enemy Ace
DC Comics - 03/1977
27. Danger: Dinosaurs at Large!
DC Comics - 04/1977
28. Earth Shattering Disasters
DC Comics - 06/1977
29. The Untold Origin of the Justice Society
DC Comics - 08/1977
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