1. Tintin around the world
Lombard - 01/1971
2. 60 Years of Adventure
Casterman - 01/1988
Tintin, Hergé & his creation
Hodder & Stoughton - 01/1991
Tintin in the new world - A romance
Riverheadbooks - 02/1996
The Pocket Essential - Tintin
Pocket Essentials - 01/2002
The adventures of Tintin at sea
National Maritime Museum - 01/2004
Tintin and the secret of literature
Granta Books - 01/2006
Captain Haddock - "Billions of blue blistering barnacles"
Egmont - 01/2007
Tintin - The Complete Companion
Egmont - 09/2011
Tintin and the americans
Moulinsart - 11/2020
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