She will return, like a Phoenix from the ashes. Years ago, Jean Grey died and the X-Men mourned her. Since then, the world has changed, her teammates have lived without her and died without her. And now, when strange events start happening all over the world, those teammates can only come to one conclusion – the one true Jean Grey is back!
1. Chapter One: Frustrate the Sun
Marvel Comics - 02/2018
2. Chapter Two: All Lesser Birds
Marvel Comics - 03/2018
3. Chapter Three: A Constellation of them All
Marvel Comics - 03/2018
4. Chapter Four: That A Great Princess Falls, But Doth Not Die
Marvel Comics - 03/2018
5. Chapter Five: Be Thou Those Ends
Marvel Comics - 03/2018
INT. The return of jean grey
Marvel Comics - 04/2018
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés