Luther Arkwright is a work of apocalyptic science fiction set in parallel universes. The eponymous hero has the unique talent of being able to move between parallels purely by force of will, and is aided by Rose Wylde, a telepath whose many incarnations across the parallels are able to communicate with one another. Luther and Rose are agents of a parallel known as "zero-zero", whose stable position... Lire la suite
1. The Disruption Spiral
Valkyrie Press - 10/1987
2. The Treaty of St. Petersburg
Valkyrie Press - 11/1987
3. The Firefrost Principle
Valkyrie Press - 02/1988
4. Black Tuesday
Valkyrie Press - 04/1988
5. The Theatre of Cruelty
Valkyrie Press - 06/1988
6. The Doors of Perception
Valkyrie Press - 08/1988
7. Destiny's Angel
Valkyrie Press - 10/1988
8. The Battle of London
Valkyrie Press - 12/1988
9. The Hand of God
Valkyrie Press - 02/1989
10. ARKeology
Valkyrie Press - 04/1989
The Adventures of Luther Arkwright
Proutt Edition - 09/1989
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