The hit comic book series based on Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland's hilarious animated show RICK & MORTY is now available in its first collection! Join the excitement as depraved genius Rick Sanchez embarks on insane adventures with his awkward grandson Morty across the universe and across time. Caught in the crossfire are his teenage granddaughter Summer, his veterinary surgeon daughter Beth, and... Lire la suite
1. Volume One
Oni Press - 11/2015
2. Volume Two
Oni Press - 04/2016
30. Issue #30
Oni Press - 09/2017
ARTBOOK. The Art of Rick and Morty volume 2
Dark Horse Books - 06/2021
FCBD. Rick and Morty - Free Comic Book Day 2017
Oni Press - 05/2017
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés