Four adventurous high schoolers, all from different cliques, discover that their small, idyllic town is actually being run by demons. The series chronicles this, as well as their many other adventures relating to the supernatural. Out There (2001) : 18 issues (07/2001 - 08/2003) ; 1 TPB (#1-6).
1. Out There #1
DC Comics - 07/2001
2. Out There #2
DC Comics - 08/2001
3. Crossing the divide
DC Comics - 09/2001
4. Blood is thicker
DC Comics - 10/2001
5. Stain of evil
DC Comics - 11/2001
6. Abandon all hope
DC Comics - 01/2002
7. The Road to El Dorado, Chapter 1: Left Behind
DC Comics - 02/2002
8. The Road to El Dorado, Chapter 2: Stuck in the Middle
DC Comics - 03/2002
9. The Road to El Dorado, Chapter 3: Twisting Roads
DC Comics - 05/2002
10. The Road to El Dorado, Chapter 4: Haunts
DC Comics - 06/2002
11. The Road to El Dorado, Chapter 5: Chasing Shadows
DC Comics - 07/2002
12. The Road to El Dorado, Chapter 6: Where the Heart Is
DC Comics - 08/2002
13. The War in Hell, Chapter 1: Castaway
DC Comics - 10/2002
14. The War in Hell, Chapter 2: Searchers
DC Comics - 12/2002
15. The War in Hell, Chapter 3: Life Goes On
DC Comics - 02/2003
16. The War in Hell, Chapter 4: Turnings
DC Comics - 04/2003
17. The War in Hell, Chapter 5: Silent Miracles
DC Comics - 06/2003
18. The War in Hell, Chapter 6: Full Circle
DC Comics - 08/2003
INT01. The Evil Within
DC Comics - 08/2002
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