First spectacular issue! A great jumping on point! Sure to go up in value! Don't miss out on the series everyone is calling "Howard the Duck"! The last page will shock you! Nothing will EVER be the same again! Hey! Where are you going? Come back! Waugh!
1. Issue 1
Marvel Comics - 01/2016
2. Our World
Marvel Comics - 02/2016
3. Deep Space Whine
Marvel Comics - 03/2016
4. Fowl Movement! Duck! Duck! Loose!
Marvel Comics - 04/2016
5. Collect Call To Arms!
Marvel Comics - 05/2016
6. Fight Or Flight Or Flightfight!
Marvel Comics - 06/2016
7. Trapped In... Some Kinda Dinosaur Theme Park?
Marvel Comics - 07/2016
8. The Return Of Bev!
Marvel Comics - 08/2016
9. Lea Thompson Needs Help
Marvel Comics - 09/2016
10. Hell If I Know
Marvel Comics - 10/2016
11. Howard's End
Marvel Comics - 12/2016
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés