Angry Youth Comix is an adult humor comic-book written and drawn by Johnny Ryan. It generally features the characters Loady McGee and Sinus O'Gynus, as well as Blecky Yuckerella, Boobs Pooter, and Sherlock McRape. The comic, like most of Ryan's oeuvre, is generally an attempt to be as shocking and politically incorrect as possible.
INT. Angry Youth Comix
Fantagraphics Books - 03/2015
INT01. What're You Lookin' At?!
Fantagraphics Books - 11/2004
INT02. XXX Scumbag Party
Fantagraphics Books - 09/2007
INT03. Take a Joke
Fantagraphics Books - 06/2011
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés