The series stars the Destines, a secret family of long-lived, British superhuman beings. Adam of Ravenscroft was born in the village of Ravenscroft in the heart of England in the summer of 1168 A.D., when Saxon England was ruled by Norman conquerors. Adam's youth was unremarkable, and he grew content without ambition. When he was sixteen, however, he was accidentally impaled on a scythe, but he miraculously... Lire la suite
1. Apparently unrelated events (family reunion part one)
Marvel Comics - 10/1994
2. Relative strangers (family reunion part two)
Marvel Comics - 11/1994
3. Selfish genes (family reunion part three)
Marvel Comics - 12/1994
4. Wait till your father gets home (family reunion part four)
Marvel Comics - 01/1995
5. Genie-ology
Marvel Comics - 02/1995
6. The mightiest marvels
Marvel Comics - 03/1995
7. Real heroes!
Marvel Comics - 04/1995
8. Points of view
Marvel Comics - 05/1995
9. Home truths!
Marvel Comics - 06/1995
10. Into the vault of dreams
Marvel Comics - 07/1995
11. Sub-terfuges!
Marvel Comics - 08/1995
12. Clan-clusion !
Marvel Comics - 09/1995
SP. ClanDestine Previews Issue
Marvel Comics - 10/1994
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