The Sandman (Volume 1) was a short-lived series published by DC Comics from 1974 to 1976. It featured Garrett Sanford, a new version of the Sandman created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. Following the series, this version of the Sandman only appeared in a handful of issues and was generally unused for years thereafter. The final Fleischer–Kirby-created adventure which would have been issue #7 was included... Lire la suite
1. The Sandman
DC Comics - 12/1974
2. The Night of the Spider
DC Comics - 04/1975
3. The Brain That Blacked Out The Bronx
DC Comics - 06/1975
4. Panic in the Dream Stream
DC Comics - 08/1975
5. The Invasion of the Frog Men!
DC Comics - 10/1975
6. The Plot to Destroy Washington D.C.!
DC Comics - 12/1975
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