The storyline follows the "rebirth" of the Silver Age Green Lantern Hal Jordan as he overcomes fear itself in the form of the cosmic entity Parallax. The series starred various members of the intergalactic police force known as the Green Lantern Corps, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart and Guy Gardner. It revived elements of the Green Lantern mythos including the Guardians of the Universe, Kilowog and the... Lire la suite
1. Blackest Night
DC Comics - 12/2004
2. Enemies Within
DC Comics - 01/2005
3. Yellow
DC Comics - 02/2020
4. Force of Will
DC Comics - 02/2020
5. Rings
DC Comics - 04/2005
6. Brightest Day
DC Comics - 05/2005
INTa2007. Rebirth
DC Comics - 03/2007
INTABS. Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth
DC Comics - 04/2010
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés