A stranded alien seeks refuge in the small town of Patience, USA, where he hides undercover as a retired doctor. All the alien wants is to be left alone until he’s rescued. However, when the town’s real doctor dies, “Dr. Harry” is pulled into medical service—and finds himself smack dab in the middle of a murder mystery!
INT01. Welcome to Earth!
Dark Horse Comics - 03/2013
INT02. The Suicide Blonde
Dark Horse Books - 06/2014
INT03. The Sam Hain Mystery
Dark Horse Books - 11/2015
INT04. The Man with No Name
Dark Horse Books - 05/2017
INT05. An Alien In New York
Dark Horse Books - 12/2018
INT06. Your Ride's Here
Dark Horse Books - 09/2021
INT07. The Book of Love
Dark Horse Books - 08/2023
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés