In the waning days of World War II, Steve Rogers - Captain America - seemingly sacrifices his life to save his nation. But decades later, he finds himself revived, thrust into a strange new America he barely recognizes. As he meets the heroes his legend inspired, Cap comes to understand what his sacrifice has meant. But it doesn't change one fact: His partner and friend, Bucky, is dead - and Cap may... Lire la suite
1. Issue 1
Marvel Comics - 01/2011
2. Issue 2
Marvel Comics - 02/2011
3. Issue 3
Marvel Comics - 03/2011
4. Issue 4
Marvel Comics - 04/2011
5. Issue 5
Marvel Comics - 05/2011
INT. Man out of time
Marvel Comics - 12/2011
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés