"Zero Hour: Crisis in Time!" is a comic book crossover storyline published by DC Comics in 1994, consisting of an eponymous five-issue limited series and a number of tie-in books. In the storyline, Hal Jordan, a member of the intergalactic police force known as the Green Lantern Corps, goes mad with grief after the destruction of his home town of Coast City during the "Reign of the Supermen!" storyline... Lire la suite
0. Issue # 0
DC Comics - 09/1994
1. Issue # 1
DC Comics - 09/1994
2. Issue # 2
DC Comics - 09/1994
3. Issue # 3
DC Comics - 09/1994
4. Issue # 4
DC Comics - 09/1994
INT. Zero Hour: Crisis in Time
DC Comics - 07/1994
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