Journey into Mystery est un comic édité par Atlas Comics et Marvel Comics à partir de juin 1952. Plusieurs personnages sont apparus pour la première fois comme Thor, Radioactive Man, Hercule, Hela, ... C'est un comic qui fait partie de l'Âge d'argent des comics. Au départ le magazine aborde les sujets horreur, SF et monstre, jusqu'en 1962 où apparait dans Journey into Mystery #83 le super héros Thor.... Lire la suite
1. (sans titre)
Marvel Comics - 06/1952
85. Trapped by Loki, The God!
Marvel Comics - 10/1962
97. The Lava Man
Marvel Comics - 10/1963
102. Slave of Zarrko, the Tomorrow Man!
Marvel Comics - 03/1964
103. Defeat two of the strangest supermenaces of all time?
Marvel Comics - 04/1964
105. The Cobra and Mr. Hyde!
Marvel Comics - 06/1964
110. Every Hand Against Him!
Marvel Comics - 11/1964
111. The Power of the Thunder God!
Marvel Comics - 12/1964
113. A World Gone Mad!
Marvel Comics - 02/1965
114. The Stronger I Am, the Sooner I Die!
Marvel Comics - 03/1965
115. "The Trial of the Gods!"
Marvel Comics - 05/1965
117. "Into the Blaze of Battle!"
Marvel Comics - 06/1965
118. "To Kill a Thunder God!"
Marvel Comics - 07/1965
119. "The Day of the Destroyer!"
Marvel Comics - 08/1965
120. With My Hammer in Hand...!
Marvel Comics - 09/1965
121. "The Power! The Passion! The Pride!"
Marvel Comics - 10/1965
122. "Where Mortals Fear To Tread!"
Marvel Comics - 11/1965
123. While a Universe Trembles!
Marvel Comics - 12/1965
124. The Grandeur and the Glory!
Marvel Comics - 01/1966
125UK. "When Meet the Immortals!"
Marvel Comics - 02/1966
503. A Gathering of Heroes
Marvel Comics - 11/1996
504. If this be my quest...!
Marvel Comics - 12/1996
505. What power is this?
Marvel Comics - 01/1997
506. And death by thy foe!
Marvel Comics - 02/1997
507. First blood
Marvel Comics - 03/1997
508. Deadly Reunion!
Marvel Comics - 04/1997
509. Howie's Tale
Marvel Comics - 05/1997
510. Lest Despair Doth Claim Thee!
Marvel Comics - 06/1997
511. Betrayed!
Marvel Comics - 08/1997
512. Hold Back the Night!
Marvel Comics - 09/1997
513. Final Jeopardy!
Marvel Comics - 10/1997
518. The fire next time...
Marvel Comics - 03/1998
INT. Worldengine
Marvel Comics - 08/1996
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