Les Gardiens de la Galaxie est le nom de deux équipes successives de super-héros évoluant dans l'univers Marvel de la maison d'édition Marvel Comics. Créée par l'éditeur Roy Thomas, le scénariste Arnold Drake et le dessinateur Gene Colan, l'équipe apparaît pour la première fois dans le comic book Marvel Super-Heroes #18 en janvier 1969. Une seconde équipe, créée par le scénariste Dan Abnett et le... Lire la suite
1. But Are They Ready For... Taserface!
Marvel Comics - 06/1990
2. The Stark Truth!
Marvel Comics - 07/1990
3. Split Decision
Marvel Comics - 08/1990
4. ...And Then Came the Firelord!
Marvel Comics - 09/1990
5. A Force to Reckon With!
Marvel Comics - 10/1990
6. And to the Victor-- The Shield!
Marvel Comics - 11/1990
7. That's No Lady That's Malevolence!
Marvel Comics - 12/1990
8. Down Time
Marvel Comics - 01/1991
9. ...And Rancor Is Her Name-O! (World of Mutants Part 1)
Marvel Comics - 02/1991
10. Tell Them the Overmen Are Here! (World of Mutants Part 2)
Marvel Comics - 03/1991
11. The Once and Future Phoenix (World of Mutants Part 3)
Marvel Comics - 04/1991
12. Nothing Like a Little Overkill
Marvel Comics - 05/1991
13. Spirit of Vengance
Marvel Comics - 06/1991
14. Hallowed Be Thy Name
Marvel Comics - 07/1991
15. The Power of... the Protege
Marvel Comics - 08/1991
16. Should One of Us Fall!
Marvel Comics - 09/1991
17. Homecoming
Marvel Comics - 10/1991
18. Punished
Marvel Comics - 11/1991
19. The Gentleman's Name is Talon!
Marvel Comics - 12/1991
20. Major Victory
Marvel Comics - 01/1992
21. The Return of Rancor!
Marvel Comics - 02/1992
22. Re-Enter: Starhawk!
Marvel Comics - 03/1992
23. War of the Guards
Marvel Comics - 04/1992
24. The Coming of the Keeper!
Marvel Comics - 05/1992
25. And now... Galactus
Marvel Comics - 06/1992
26. The (Secret) Origin of the Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel Comics - 07/1992
27. Back from the Future!
Marvel Comics - 08/1992
28. Villains, villains everywhere!
Marvel Comics - 09/1992
29. Let loose the dogs of war!
Marvel Comics - 10/1992
30. Arguing a Called Strike
Marvel Comics - 11/1992
31. Prelude to a Kill
Marvel Comics - 12/1992
32. We Who Are About to Die Salute You
Marvel Comics - 01/1993
33. Cut Bait and Run
Marvel Comics - 02/1993
34. A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel Comics - 03/1993
35. Biological Warfare
Marvel Comics - 04/1993
36. Taste the Deathless Life
Marvel Comics - 05/1993
37. Time Bears All It Sons Away
Marvel Comics - 06/1993
38. Beyond the Pale
Marvel Comics - 07/1993
39. Skeletal Remains
Marvel Comics - 08/1993
40. Bang! Zoom! To the Moon!
Marvel Comics - 09/1993
41. To Err Is Inhuman
Marvel Comics - 10/1993
42. The Sins of the Father
Marvel Comics - 11/1993
43. How Far the Mighty Have Fallen
Marvel Comics - 12/1993
44. A Dagger of the Mind
Marvel Comics - 01/1994
45. He That Dies Pays All Debts
Marvel Comics - 02/1994
46. There's a Divinity that Shapes Our Ends
Marvel Comics - 03/1994
47. Climb Far, Your Goal the Sky, Your Aim the Star!
Marvel Comics - 04/1994
48. It Ain't Over Till It's Overkill
Marvel Comics - 05/1994
49. Time Is the Rider that Breaks Us All
Marvel Comics - 06/1994
50. Coldly Sublime, Intolerably Just!
Marvel Comics - 07/1994
51. He Who Loses Hope, May Then Part With Anything
Marvel Comics - 08/1994
52. And Ye Came Unto Me
Marvel Comics - 09/1994
53. Into the Belly of the Beast
Marvel Comics - 10/1994
54. The Spiders From Mars
Marvel Comics - 11/1994
55. An Eye Like Mars, To Threaten and Command
Marvel Comics - 12/1994
56. Show Me a Hero and I Will Write You a Tragedy
Marvel Comics - 01/1995
57. Evils Draw Men Together
Marvel Comics - 02/1995
58. The Final Solution
Marvel Comics - 03/1995
59. Orphan in the Storm
Marvel Comics - 04/1995
60. What Child is This
Marvel Comics - 05/1995
61. Father, Why Have You Forsaken Me?
Marvel Comics - 06/1995
62. Endgame
Marvel Comics - 07/1995
146. The Evil Has Landed
Marvel Comics - 11/2017
147. Fortress
Marvel Comics - 11/2017
148. Jungleland
Marvel Comics - 12/2017
149. Folsom Prison Blues
Marvel Comics - 12/2017
150. Don't Fear the Reaper
Marvel Comics - 01/2018
AN01. The Korvac quest part 4
Marvel Comics - 01/1991
AN02. The system bytes part 4
Marvel Comics - 01/1992
AN03. Introducing cuchulain--the Irish Wolfhound
Marvel Comics - 06/1993
INT01. by Jim Valentino volume 1
Marvel Comics - 12/2013
INT02. by Jim Valentino volume 2
Marvel Comics - 06/2014
INT03. by Jim Valentino volume 3
Marvel Comics - 10/2015
INT04. In The Year 3000 volume 1
Marvel Comics - 07/2016
INT05. In The Year 3000 volume 2
Marvel Comics - 08/2016
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés