Hägar the horrible
Tempo books - 01/1974
On the loose
ace tempo books - 11/1975
Hagar's knight out
Tempo books - 01/1976
The brutish are coming
Charter books - 07/1976
On the rack
Charter books - 09/1976
All at sea
Egmont/Methuen - 01/1977
Home sweet home
Egmont/Methuen - 01/1977
The conquering hero
Titan Books - 01/1977
One man band
Egmont/Methuen - 01/1978
Signs of the times
Egmont/Methuen - 01/1978
My feet are drunk
ace tempo books - 08/1979
A barrel full of laughs!
Egmont/Methuen - 01/1980
Room for one more
Tor - 01/1983
A viking's guide to Hägar the horrible
Budget Books Pty Ltd - 06/1986
Feast of laughs
Budget Books Pty Ltd - 06/1986
In hot pursuit
Budget Books Pty Ltd - 06/1986
Midnight munchies
Jove Books - 07/1987
The nord star
Jove Books - 11/1987
Hagar takes aim
Attica publications - 01/1988
Makes an Entrance
Attica publications - 01/1988
Never say die
Attica publications - 01/1988
Sack time
Tempo books - 01/1997
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