The Secret Six is the name of three different fictional comic book teams in the DC Comics Universe, plus an alternate universe's fourth team. Each team has had six members, led by a mysterious figure named Mockingbird, whom the characters assume to be one of the other five members. The third, villainous incarnation of the Secret Six was rated by IGN as the fourth Best Comic Run of the Decade in 2012.
15. Control
DC Comics - 01/2010
17. Danse Macabre, Part 2
DC Comics - 03/2010
18. Danse Macabre, Part 3
DC Comics - 04/2010
26. Forced merger
DC Comics - 12/2010
27. Masked and masked again
DC Comics - 01/2011
31. In every dream a nightmare
DC Comics - 05/2011
INT01. Unhinged
DC Comics - 08/2009
INT01:2015. Money and Murder
DC Comics - 05/2015
INT03. Danse Macabre
DC Comics - 09/2010
INT03. Cat's Cradle
DC Comics - 09/2015
INT04. Caution to the Wind
DC Comics - 03/2016
INT05. The Reptile Brain
DC Comics - 04/2011
INT06. The Darkest House
DC Comics - 12/2011
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