Green Arrow (Volume 4) is a comic book series starring Oliver Queen, the man known as Green Arrow. It is spun-off from the Brightest Day event.
1. Man of the people
DC Comics - 08/2010
2. Into the woods
DC Comics - 09/2010
3. Character assassination
DC Comics - 10/2010
4. Strangers in the night
DC Comics - 11/2010
5. Growing pains
DC Comics - 12/2010
6. Siege mentality
DC Comics - 01/2011
7. Angels & demons
DC Comics - 02/2011
8. Exorcising the demons
DC Comics - 03/2011
9. Demon seed
DC Comics - 04/2011
10. The valley of the shadow of the death
DC Comics - 05/2011
11. In the darkest hour
DC Comics - 06/2011
12. The changing of the seasons
DC Comics - 07/2011
13. Projectiles
DC Comics - 08/2011
14. Manhunt
DC Comics - 09/2011
15. Endgame
DC Comics - 10/2011
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