Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) was an ongoing series, published by DC Comics. It ran from 2010 until 2011. It starred Legion of Super-Heroes, Cosmic Boy, Timber Wolf, and Lar Gand.
1. The scream heard 'cross the universe
DC Comics - 07/2010
2. The day after titanfall
DC Comics - 08/2010
3. Earth-man's choice
DC Comics - 09/2010
4. That which is purest among you
DC Comics - 10/2010
5. A choice of destinies
DC Comics - 11/2010
6. Acceptance
DC Comics - 12/2010
7. The shifting shape of revenge
DC Comics - 01/2011
8. The shape of death
DC Comics - 02/2011
9. One last Durlan
DC Comics - 03/2011
10. Hiding in plain sight
DC Comics - 04/2011
11. False start
DC Comics - 05/2011
12. False trails
DC Comics - 06/2011
13. False hopes
DC Comics - 07/2011
14. False dreams
DC Comics - 08/2011
15. False victory
DC Comics - 09/2011
16. Endings
DC Comics - 10/2011
AN01. Annual 1: Here eye am
DC Comics - 02/2011
INT01. The Choice
DC Comics - 03/2011
INT02. Consequences
DC Comics - 08/2011
OS. Legion of super-villains : when evil calls
DC Comics - 05/2011
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés