Les Quatre Fantastiques ou les Fantastiques («Fantastic Four» en version originale) est le nom d'une équipe de super-héros évoluant dans l'univers Marvel de la maison d'édition Marvel Comics. Créée par le scénariste Stan Lee et le dessinateur Jack Kirby, l'équipe apparaît pour la première fois dans le comic book Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #1 en novembre 1961.
1. The Fantastic Four
Marvel Comics - 11/1961
2. Skrulls from outer space!
Marvel Comics - 01/1962
3. The menace of the Miracle Man
Marvel Comics - 03/1962
4. The coming of the Sub-Mariner!
Marvel Comics - 05/1962
5. Meet... Doctor Doom !
Marvel Comics - 07/1962
6. Captives of the deadly duo !
Marvel Comics - 09/1962
7. Prisoners of Kurrgo, master of planet X
Marvel Comics - 10/1962
8. Prisoners of the Puppet Master!
Marvel Comics - 11/1962
9. The end of the Fantastic Four !
Marvel Comics - 12/1962
10. The return of Doctor Doom !
Marvel Comics - 01/1963
11. A visit with the Fantastic Four
Marvel Comics - 02/1963
12. The incredible Hulk !
Marvel Comics - 03/1963
13. The Thing no more!
Marvel Comics - 04/1963
14. The Sub-mariner strikes !
Marvel Comics - 03/1963
15. The mad thinker and his awesome android !
Marvel Comics - 06/1963
16. The micro-world of Doctor Doom !
Marvel Comics - 07/1963
17. Defeated by Doctor Doom !
Marvel Comics - 08/1963
18. A skrull walks among us !
Marvel Comics - 09/1963
19. Prisoners of the Pharoah !
Marvel Comics - 10/1963
20. The mysterious molecule man !
Marvel Comics - 11/1963
21. The hate-monger !
Marvel Comics - 12/1963
22. The return of the mole man !
Marvel Comics - 01/1964
23. The master plan of Doctor Doom !
Marvel Comics - 02/1964
24. The infant terrible !
Marvel Comics - 03/1964
25. The Hulk versus the Thing!
Marvel Comics - 04/1964
26. The Avengers take over !
Marvel Comics - 05/1964
27. The Search for the Sub-Mariner!
Marvel Comics - 06/1964
28. We have to fight the X-men !
Marvel Comics - 07/1964
29. It started on Yancy street !
Marvel Comics - 08/1964
30. The dreaded diablo !
Marvel Comics - 09/1964
31. The mad menace of the macabre mole man !
Marvel Comics - 10/1964
32. Death of a hero !
Marvel Comics - 11/1964
33. Side-By-Side With Sub-Mariner !
Marvel Comics - 12/1964
34. A house divided !
Marvel Comics - 01/1965
35. Calamity on the campus !
Marvel Comics - 02/1965
36. The frightful four !
Marvel Comics - 03/1965
37. Behold! A Distant Star!
Marvel Comics - 08/1964
38. Defeated by the frightful four!
Marvel Comics - 05/1965
39. A blind man shall lead them!
Marvel Comics - 06/1965
40. The Battle of the Baxter Building!
Marvel Comics - 07/1965
41. The Brutal Betrayal of Ben Grimm!
Marvel Comics - 08/1965
42. To Save You, Why Must I Kill You?
Marvel Comics - 09/1965
43. Lo, there shall be an ending !
Marvel Comics - 10/1965
44. The gentleman's name is Gorgon !
Marvel Comics - 11/1965
45. Among Us Hide... The Inhumans!
Marvel Comics - 12/1965
46. Those who would destroy us
Marvel Comics - 01/1966
47. Beware the hidden land!
Marvel Comics - 02/1966
48. The Coming of Galactus!
Marvel Comics - 03/1966
49. If this be doomsday !
Marvel Comics - 04/1966
50. The startling saga of the Silver Surfer !
Marvel Comics - 05/1966
51. This Man...This Monster!
Marvel Comics - 06/1966
52. Introducing: The Sensational Black Panther!
Marvel Comics - 07/1966
53. "the way it began..!"
Marvel Comics - 08/1966
54. "Whosoever finds the evil eye..!"
Marvel Comics - 09/1966
55. When strikes the Silver Surfer !
Marvel Comics - 10/1966
56. Klaw, the murderous master of sound !
Marvel Comics - 11/1966
57. Enter... Doctor Doom!
Marvel Comics - 12/1966
58. "The dismal dregs of defeat!"
Marvel Comics - 01/1967
59. "Doomsday!"
Marvel Comics - 02/1967
60. "The peril and the power!"
Marvel Comics - 03/1967
61. "Where stalks the Sandman?"
Marvel Comics - 04/1967
62. "...And one shall save him!"
Marvel Comics - 05/1967
63. "Blastaar the living Bomb-Burst!"
Marvel Comics - 06/1967
64. "The sentry sinister"
Marvel Comics - 07/1967
65. ...From Beyond This Planet Earth!
Marvel Comics - 08/1967
66. What lurks behind the beehive?
Marvel Comics - 09/1967
67. "When opens the cocoon!"
Marvel Comics - 10/1967
68. His Mission: Destroy the Fantastic Four!
Marvel Comics - 11/1967
69. By Ben betrayed!
Marvel Comics - 12/1967
70. When fall the mighty!
Marvel Comics - 01/1968
71. "...And so it ends..."
Marvel Comics - 02/1968
72. Where Soars the Silver Surfer!
Marvel Comics - 03/1968
73. "The flames of battle.."
Marvel Comics - 04/1968
74. When Calls Galactus!
Marvel Comics - 05/1968
75. Worlds within worlds!
Marvel Comics - 06/1968
76. "Stranded in sub-atomica!"
Marvel Comics - 07/1968
77. ...Shall Earth Endure?
Marvel Comics - 07/1968
78. The Thing No More!
Marvel Comics - 09/1968
79. A monster forever?
Marvel Comics - 10/1968
80. Where treads the living totem!
Marvel Comics - 11/1968
81. "Enter..the exquisite elemental!"
Marvel Comics - 12/1968
82. The Mark of.. the Madman!
Marvel Comics - 01/1969
83. Shall man survive?
Marvel Comics - 02/1969
84. The Name Is... Doom!
Marvel Comics - 03/1969
85. Within this tortured land!
Marvel Comics - 04/1969
86. Victims!
Marvel Comics - 05/1969
87. The power and the pride
Marvel Comics - 06/1969
88. A house there was!
Marvel Comics - 07/1968
89. The madness of the moment man!
Marvel Comics - 08/1969
90. The Skrull Takes a Slave!
Marvel Comics - 09/1969
91. The Thing Enslaved!
Marvel Comics - 10/1969
92. Ben Grimm, killer!
Marvel Comics - 11/1969
93. At the mercy of Torgo!
Marvel Comics - 12/1969
94. The return of the frightful four!
Marvel Comics - 01/1970
95. Tomorrow -- world war three!
Marvel Comics - 02/1970
96. The mad thinker and his androids of death!
Marvel Comics - 03/1970
97. The monster from the lost lagoon!
Marvel Comics - 04/1970
98. Mystery on the moon !
Marvel Comics - 05/1970
99. The Torch Goes Wild!
Marvel Comics - 06/1970
100. The long journey home !
Marvel Comics - 07/1970
101. Bedlam in the Baxter building
Marvel Comics - 08/1970
102. The Super-Strength of the Sub-Mariner!
Marvel Comics - 09/1970
103. At war with Atlantis
Marvel Comics - 10/1970
104. Our World Enslaved
Marvel Comics - 11/1970
105. The Monster in the streets!
Marvel Comics - 12/1970
106. The Monster's Secret!
Marvel Comics - 01/1971
107. And Now.. The Thing!
Marvel Comics - 02/1971
108. The Monstrous Mystery of The Nega-Man!
Marvel Comics - 03/1971
109. To Die in the Negative Zone!
Marvel Comics - 04/1971
111. The Thing Runs Amok!
Marvel Comics - 06/1971
113. The Coming of the Over-Mind!
Marvel Comics - 08/1971
114. Who Can Stop the Over-Mind?
Marvel Comics - 09/1971
115. The secret of the Eternals
Marvel Comics - 10/1971
116. The alien, the ally, and.. armageddon!
Marvel Comics - 11/1971
117. The Flame and the Quest!
Marvel Comics - 12/1971
118. Thunder in the ruins!
Marvel Comics - 01/1972
119. Three Stood together!
Marvel Comics - 02/1972
121. The mysterious mind-blowing secret of Gabriel!
Marvel Comics - 04/1972
122. Galactus unleashed
Marvel Comics - 05/1972
123. This World Enslaved!
Marvel Comics - 06/1972
124. The return of the monster!
Marvel Comics - 07/1972
125. The Monster's Secret!
Marvel Comics - 08/1972
126. The Creature from the Earth's Core!
Marvel Comics - 09/1972
127. The Thing Fights Alone!
Marvel Comics - 10/1972
128. Divided -- We Fall!
Marvel Comics - 11/1972
129. All This, and the Frightful Four, Too!
Marvel Comics - 12/1972
130. Battleground: the Baxter building!
Marvel Comics - 01/1973
132. Omega! The ultimate enemy!
Marvel Comics - 03/1973
133. Thundra at dawn!
Marvel Comics - 04/1973
134. The Dragon Man Stalks the Skies!
Marvel Comics - 05/1973
135. The eternity machine
Marvel Comics - 06/1973
136. Rock around the cosmos!
Marvel Comics - 07/1973
137. Where Walks War-Head!
Marvel Comics - 08/1973
138. Madness is... The Miracle man!
Marvel Comics - 09/1973
139. Target: Tomorrow!
Marvel Comics - 10/1973
140. Annihilus revealed!
Marvel Comics - 11/1973
141. The end of the fantastic four!
Marvel Comics - 12/1973
142. The Coming of...Darkoth -- the Death-Demon!
Marvel Comics - 01/1974
143. The terrible triumph of doctor doom!
Marvel Comics - 02/1974
144. When Strikes the Sinister Seeker!
Marvel Comics - 03/1974
145. Ternak! The Monster Who Walks the Midnight Snows!
Marvel Comics - 04/1974
146. Doomsday: 200° below!
Marvel Comics - 05/1974
147. The sub-mariner strikes!
Marvel Comics - 06/1974
148. The Frightful Four Strike Again!
Marvel Comics - 07/1974
149. To love, honor, and destroy!
Marvel Comics - 08/1974
150. At Last! The Wedding of Crystal and Pietro! -- But Ultron Grabs the Bridal Bouquet -- And the Bride!
Marvel Comics - 09/1974
151. Thundra and Ligthning
Marvel Comics - 10/1974
152. World of Madness--World of Doom!
Marvel Comics - 11/1974
153. Worlds in collision!
Marvel Comics - 12/1974
154. He's Back!! The Man in the Mystery Mask!
Marvel Comics - 01/1975
155. The Silver Surfer Is Back!
Marvel Comics - 02/1975
156. Middle Game!
Marvel Comics - 03/1975
157. Carnage at Castle Latveria!
Marvel Comics - 04/1975
158. Invaders of the 5th dimension !
Marvel Comics - 05/1975
159. Havoc in the hidden land!
Marvel Comics - 06/1975
160. In one world..and out the other!
Marvel Comics - 07/1975
161. All the worlds at once!
Marvel Comics - 08/1975
162. The shape of Things to come!
Marvel Comics - 09/1975
163. Gaard!
Marvel Comics - 10/1975
165. Issue # 165
Marvel Comics - 12/1975
166. If it's Tuesday This Must Be the Hulk
Marvel Comics - 01/1976
167. Issue # 167
Marvel Comics - 02/1976
168. Where have all the powers gone?
Marvel Comics - 03/1976
169. Bedlam in the Baxter Building!
Marvel Comics - 04/1976
170. Issue # 170
Marvel Comics - 05/1976
171. This Is -- Gorr!
Marvel Comics - 06/1976
172. Cry, the bedeviled planet !
Marvel Comics - 07/1975
173. An Earth in Peril -- at the Hands of Galactus!
Marvel Comics - 08/1976
174. The Titan Called.. Torgo!
Marvel Comics - 09/1976
175. When giants walk the sky!
Marvel Comics - 10/1976
176. Issue # 176
Marvel Comics - 11/1976
177UK. Look out for the frightful four!
Marvel Comics - 12/1976
178. The Showdown with the Frightful Four!
Marvel Comics - 01/1977
179. Issue # 179
Marvel Comics - 02/1977
180. Issue # 180
Marvel Comics - 03/1977
181. Side by side with... Annihilus??
Marvel Comics - 04/1977
182. Issue # 182
Marvel Comics - 05/1977
183. This One Has It All!!
Marvel Comics - 06/1977
184UK. Aftermath: The eliminator!
Marvel Comics - 07/1977
185. Here there be witches!
Marvel Comics - 08/1977
186. Enter: Salem's Seven!
Marvel Comics - 09/1977
187. Trouble times two!
Marvel Comics - 10/1977
188UK. The rampage of Reed Richards!
Marvel Comics - 11/1977
189. The Torch that was!
Marvel Comics - 12/1977
190. The Way It Was
Marvel Comics - 01/1978
191. Four no more
Marvel Comics - 02/1977
192. He who soweth the wind
Marvel Comics - 03/1977
193. Day of the death-demon
Marvel Comics - 04/1978
194. Doomed By Diablo!
Marvel Comics - 05/1978
195. Rampaging Retrievers!
Marvel Comics - 06/1978
196. Issue # 196
Marvel Comics - 07/1978
197. Issue # 197
Marvel Comics - 08/1978
198. Invasion!!
Marvel Comics - 09/1978
199. The son of doctor Doom!
Marvel Comics - 10/1978
200. When Titans clash
Marvel Comics - 11/1978
201. Home, deadly home!
Marvel Comics - 12/1978
202. There's one Iron Man too many !
Marvel Comics - 01/1979
203. ... And a child shall slay them!
Marvel Comics - 02/1979
204. The Andromeda Attack
Marvel Comics - 03/1979
205. When worlds die!
Marvel Comics - 04/1979
206. The Death of... the Fantastic Four
Marvel Comics - 05/1979
207. Might of the Monocle!
Marvel Comics - 06/1979
208. The power of the Sphinx!
Marvel Comics - 07/1979
209. Trapped in the Sargasso of space!
Marvel Comics - 08/1979
210. In Search of Galactus!
Marvel Comics - 09/1979
211. If This Be Terrax
Marvel Comics - 10/1979
212. The battle of the titans!
Marvel Comics - 11/1979
213. In final battle!
Marvel Comics - 12/1979
214. ...And Then There Was One!
Marvel Comics - 01/1980
215. Blastaar!
Marvel Comics - 02/1980
216. Where there be gods!
Marvel Comics - 03/1980
217. Masquerade!
Marvel Comics - 04/1980
218. When a Spider-Man Comes Calling!
Marvel Comics - 05/1980
219. Leviathans
Marvel Comics - 06/1980
220. "And the lights went out all over the world!"
Marvel Comics - 07/1980
221. Tower of cristal... dream of glass!
Marvel Comics - 08/1980
222. The possession of Franklin Richards!
Marvel Comics - 09/1980
223. That a child may live...
Marvel Comics - 10/1980
224. The darkfield illumination
Marvel Comics - 11/1980
225. The blind god's tears
Marvel Comics - 12/1980
226. The samurai destroyer
Marvel Comics - 01/1981
227. The brain parasites!
Marvel Comics - 02/1981
228. Ego-Spawn
Marvel Comics - 03/1981
229. The thing from the black hole
Marvel Comics - 04/1981
230. Firefrost and the Ebon Seeker
Marvel Comics - 05/1981
231. In all the gathered gloom!
Marvel Comics - 06/1981
232. Back to the basics!
Marvel Comics - 07/1981
233. Mission for a dead man!
Marvel Comics - 08/1981
234. The man with the power!
Marvel Comics - 09/1981
235. Four against Ego!
Marvel Comics - 10/1981
236. Terror in a Tiny Town
Marvel Comics - 11/1981
237. The eyes have it!
Marvel Comics - 12/1981
238. The Lady is for Burning!
Marvel Comics - 01/1982
239. Wendy's Friends
Marvel Comics - 02/1982
240. Exodus
Marvel Comics - 03/1982
241. Render Unto Caesar!
Marvel Comics - 04/1982
242. Terrax the Untamed
Marvel Comics - 05/1982
243. Shall Earth Endure?
Marvel Comics - 06/1982
244. Beginnings and endings
Marvel Comics - 07/1982
245. Childhood's end
Marvel Comics - 08/1982
246. Too many Dooms
Marvel Comics - 09/1982
247. This land is mine!
Marvel Comics - 10/1982
248. Nightmare!
Marvel Comics - 11/1982
249. Man and super-man!
Marvel Comics - 12/1982
250. X-factor
Marvel Comics - 01/1983
251. Into the negative zone!
Marvel Comics - 02/1983
252. Cityscape
Marvel Comics - 03/1983
253. Quest
Marvel Comics - 04/1983
254. The minds of Mantracora
Marvel Comics - 05/1983
255. Trapped
Marvel Comics - 06/1983
256. The Annihilation Gambit!
Marvel Comics - 07/1983
257. (sans titre)
Marvel Comics - 10/1983
258. Interlude
Marvel Comics - 09/1983
259. Three against Doomsday !
Marvel Comics - 10/1983
260. When titans clash!
Marvel Comics - 11/1983
261. The Search for Reed Richards
Marvel Comics - 12/1983
262. The Trial of Reed Richards
Marvel Comics - 01/1984
263. R. and R.
Marvel Comics - 04/2002
264. Inferno
Marvel Comics - 03/1984
265. The House That Reed Built
Marvel Comics - 04/1984
266. Call her Karisma!
Marvel Comics - 05/1984
267. A Small Loss
Marvel Comics - 06/1984
268. The Masque of Doom!
Marvel Comics - 07/1984
269. Who is Terminus?
Marvel Comics - 08/1984
270. Planet-fall
Marvel Comics - 09/1984
271. Happy birthday darling!
Marvel Comics - 10/1984
272. Cowboys & idioms
Marvel Comics - 11/1984
273. Fathers and others
Marvel Comics - 12/1984
274. Monster Mash: Part II
Marvel Comics - 01/1985
275. The Naked Truth
Marvel Comics - 02/1985
276. Suffer a witch to love
Marvel Comics - 03/1985
277. Back from Beyond
Marvel Comics - 04/1985
278. True Lies
Marvel Comics - 05/1985
279. Doomsday Plus One!
Marvel Comics - 06/1985
280. Tell them all they love must die...
Marvel Comics - 07/1985
281. With Malice Towards All
Marvel Comics - 08/1985
282. Inwards to Infinity!
Marvel Comics - 09/1985
283. Torment
Marvel Comics - 10/1985
284. Revolution!
Marvel Comics - 11/1985
285. Hero
Marvel Comics - 12/1985
286. Like a Phoenix!
Marvel Comics - 01/1986
287. Prisoners of the flesh
Marvel Comics - 02/1986
288. Full circle
Marvel Comics - 03/1986
289. Rip wide the sky
Marvel Comics - 04/1986
290. Risk
Marvel Comics - 05/1986
291. The times they are a' changing !
Marvel Comics - 06/1986
292. The man who dreamed the world !
Marvel Comics - 07/1986
293. Central city does not answer!
Marvel Comics - 08/1986
294. Hero Workship
Marvel Comics - 09/1986
295. Welcome to the future!
Marvel Comics - 10/1986
296. Homecoming!
Marvel Comics - 11/1986
297. Heart of the Sun
Marvel Comics - 12/1986
298. Closer than brothers!
Marvel Comics - 01/1987
300. Dearly Beloved
Marvel Comics - 03/1987
302. And who shall survive!!
Marvel Comics - 05/1987
304. Pressure Drop
Marvel Comics - 07/1987
305. All in the Family
Marvel Comics - 07/1987
306. The Marvel Rage !
Marvel Comics - 09/1987
307. Good-Bye !
Marvel Comics - 10/1987
308. Fasaud !
Marvel Comics - 11/1987
309. The Spanking New F.F. Face-to-Face-to-Face With Fasaud!
Marvel Comics - 12/1987
310. Things to come
Marvel Comics - 01/1988
311. ...I Want to Die!
Marvel Comics - 02/1988
312. The turning point!
Marvel Comics - 03/1988
313. Torch Goes Wild!
Marvel Comics - 04/1988
314. Belasco!
Marvel Comics - 05/1988
315. No Way Out
Marvel Comics - 06/1988
316. That Which Is Forbidden!
Marvel Comics - 07/1988
317. The Beginning and... ...the End?
Marvel Comics - 08/1988
318. To Challenge the Negative Zone!
Marvel Comics - 09/1988
319. Doctor Doom vs. the Beyonder!
Marvel Comics - 10/1988
320. Pride Goeth...
Marvel Comics - 11/1989
321. After the fall!
Marvel Comics - 12/1988
322. Between a Rock and a Hard Place!
Marvel Comics - 01/1989
323. Orphan of the Storm!
Marvel Comics - 02/1989
324. I Die Like the Stars! (or--Fan Johnny Storm!)
Marvel Comics - 03/1989
325. A Christmas Tale
Marvel Comics - 04/1989
326. The New Evil F.F. the Frightful Four!
Marvel Comics - 05/1989
327. The Thing... No More!
Marvel Comics - 06/1989
328. Bad Dream
Marvel Comics - 07/1989
329. "And you can't wake up"
Marvel Comics - 08/1989
330. Good dreams!
Marvel Comics - 09/1989
331. "The menace of the metal man!"
Marvel Comics - 10/1989
332. Love's labour lost!
Marvel Comics - 11/1989
333. The dream is dead
Marvel Comics - 11/1989
334. Shadows of alarm!
Marvel Comics - 12/1989
335. Death by debate
Marvel Comics - 12/1989
336. Dark congress!
Marvel Comics - 01/1990
337. Into the Time Stream!
Marvel Comics - 02/1990
338. Kangs for the memories
Marvel Comics - 03/1990
339. Visit to a large empire
Marvel Comics - 04/1990
340. Double trouble
Marvel Comics - 05/1990
341. The ultimate solution
Marvel Comics - 06/1990
342. Burnout!
Marvel Comics - 07/1990
343. Nukebusters!!!
Marvel Comics - 08/1990
344. Nukebusters II
Marvel Comics - 09/1990
345. The Mesozoic Mambo!
Marvel Comics - 10/1990
346. 70 Million Years BC...and then Some!
Marvel Comics - 11/1990
347. Big Trouble on Little Earth!
Marvel Comics - 12/1990
348. Where monsters dwell!
Marvel Comics - 01/1991
349. Eggs got Legs!
Marvel Comics - 02/1991
350. "The More Things Change...! Or It's the Real Thing...
Marvel Comics - 03/1991
351. Strange Interlude
Marvel Comics - 04/1991
352. No time like the present!
Marvel Comics - 05/1991
353. So Little Time, So Much to Do! Or... If I Could Save Time in a Klein Bottle!
Marvel Comics - 06/1991
354. The cross-time express !
Marvel Comics - 07/1991
355. Wrecked
Marvel Comics - 08/1991
356. War with the new warriors.
Marvel Comics - 09/1991
357. The monster among us !
Marvel Comics - 10/1991
358. Whatever happened to Alicia?!
Marvel Comics - 11/1991
363. Innerverse!
Marvel Comics - 04/1992
364. Omnipotent is Occulus !
Marvel Comics - 05/1992
366. Issue #366
Marvel Comics - 07/1992
367. At the Mercy of the Puppet Master!
Marvel Comics - 08/1992
368. Day of the Doppelgangers
Marvel Comics - 09/1992
369. Long Live Malice!
Marvel Comics - 10/1992
370. The End of Infinity!
Marvel Comics - 11/1992
372. No More the Hero
Marvel Comics - 01/1993
376. Issue #376
Marvel Comics - 05/1993
392. The Dark Raider Revealed!!!
Marvel Comics - 07/1994
400. Even The Watchers Can Die !
Marvel Comics - 05/1995
403. Things to Come!
Marvel Comics - 08/1995
404. With Friends Like These !
Marvel Comics - 09/1995
405. Terror Is Tomorrow!
Marvel Comics - 10/1995
414. Fate of Thy Father's Son
Marvel Comics - 07/1996
415. Onslaught phase 1
Marvel Comics - 08/1996
416. Unfinished business
Marvel Comics - 09/1996
AN05. Divide..and conquier!
Marvel Comics - 11/1967
AN06. Let there be... life!
Marvel Comics - 11/1968
AN07. Annual # 7
Marvel Comics - 11/1969
AN10. Bedlam at the Baxter building!
Marvel Comics - 03/1973
AN12. Fury in the Stars!
Marvel Comics - 11/1977
AN13. Nightlife
Marvel Comics - 12/1978
AN14. Cat's Paw !
Marvel Comics - 01/1979
AN15. Time for the prime ten
Marvel Comics - 10/1980
AN17. Legacy
Marvel Comics - 09/1983
AN18. "Something Old, Something New!"
Marvel Comics - 06/1984
AN19. Summons from the stars
Marvel Comics - 11/1985
AN22. For crown and conquest
Marvel Comics - 06/1989
AN23. When Franklin Comes Marchin' Home
Marvel Comics - 07/1990
AN24. The Korvac Quest Part 1
Marvel Comics - 07/1991
AN25. In kang's clutches !
Marvel Comics - 07/1992
AN26. Dreadface Lives!
Marvel Comics - 06/1993
AN27. Annual 27 - 1994
Marvel Comics - 05/1994
ANHS. Annual 2001
Marvel Comics - 01/2001
GP INT2. Visionaries by George Pérez volume 2
Marvel Comics - 04/2006
HS. Fantastic Four Roast
Marvel Comics - 05/1982
HS. Sub-Mariner versus the Human Race!
Marvel Comics - 05/1984
HS. The Legend
Marvel Comics - 10/1996
HS. The last Fantastic Four story
Marvel Comics - 10/2007
INT. Silver Sufer: the coming of Galactus
Marvel Comics - 11/1992
INT. The Best of the Fantastic Four Volume One
Marvel Comics - 05/2005
INT. In Search of Galactus
Marvel Comics - 02/2010
INT. Reunited they Stand
Marvel Comics - 01/2013
INT. All In The Family
Marvel Comics - 12/2013
INTHC. The Overthrow of Doom
Marvel Comics - 09/2011
JB INT0. Visionaries by John Byrne volume 0
Marvel Comics - 01/2009
JB INT1. Visionaries by John Byrne volume 1
Marvel Comics - 11/2001
JB INT2. Visionaries by John Byrne volume 2
Marvel Comics - 05/2004
JB INT3. Visionaries by John Byrne volume 3
Marvel Comics - 01/2005
JB INT4. Visionaries by John Byrne volume 4
Marvel Comics - 02/2005
JB INT5. Visionaries by John Byrne volume 5
Marvel Comics - 11/2005
JB INT6. Visionaries by John Byrne volume 6
Marvel Comics - 09/2006
JB INT7. Visionaries by John Byrne volume 7
Marvel Comics - 06/2007
JB INT8. Visionaries by John Byrne volume 8
Marvel Comics - 11/2007
OMNI 1. Fantastic Four Omnibus Vol.1
Marvel Comics - 11/2007
OMNI 2. Fantastic Four Omnibus Vol.2
Marvel Comics - 06/2007
OMNI1. Fantastic Four by John Byrne Omnibus volume one
Marvel Comics - 10/2011
OMNI2. Fantastic Four by John Byrne Omnibus volume two
Marvel Comics - 12/2013
OMNI4. Fantastic Four Omnibus Vol.4
Marvel Comics - 09/2021
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