Title Continuity: Peter Parker: Spider-Man (1999) #1 continues from Spider-Man (1990) #98
1. Power without responsability
Marvel Comics - 01/1999
2. Plaything of the gods
Marvel Comics - 02/1999
3. Eyewitness
Marvel Comics - 03/1999
4. Beneath it all
Marvel Comics - 04/1999
5. The trouble with girls
Marvel Comics - 05/1999
6. The whys have it
Marvel Comics - 06/1999
7. Creatures of the night
Marvel Comics - 07/1999
8. Blood feud
Marvel Comics - 08/1999
9. Shadows of the past
Marvel Comics - 09/1999
10. Venom triumphant
Marvel Comics - 10/1999
11. An exemplary day
Marvel Comics - 11/1999
12. Another return of the sinister six
Marvel Comics - 12/1999
13. Living in oblivion
Marvel Comics - 01/2000
14. Denial
Marvel Comics - 02/2000
15. Bring me the head of spider-man
Marvel Comics - 03/2000
16. Cliché
Marvel Comics - 04/2000
17. Night of the hunters
Marvel Comics - 05/2000
18. The curse of spider-man
Marvel Comics - 06/2000
19. The box
Marvel Comics - 07/2000
20. The best mediciine
Marvel Comics - 08/2000
21. A day in the life
Marvel Comics - 09/2000
22. Days of our lives
Marvel Comics - 10/2000
23. Read 'em and weep
Marvel Comics - 11/2000
24. Warning signs
Marvel Comics - 12/2000
25. Trick of the light
Marvel Comics - 01/2001
26. Police story
Marvel Comics - 02/2001
27. Getting ahead
Marvel Comics - 03/2001
28. Field of dream
Marvel Comics - 04/2001
29. Destinations
Marvel Comics - 05/2001
30. Three hundred
Marvel Comics - 06/2001
31. One small break
Marvel Comics - 07/2001
32. Never forever
Marvel Comics - 08/2001
33. Maybe next year
Marvel Comics - 09/2001
34. If thine eyes offend thee
Marvel Comics - 10/2001
35. Heroes don't cry
Marvel Comics - 11/2001
36. The big score
Marvel Comics - 12/2001
37. Snow day
Marvel Comics - 01/2002
38. Make mime marvel
Marvel Comics - 02/2002
39. Operation Octopus
Marvel Comics - 03/2002
40. Codename : john hancock
Marvel Comics - 04/2002
41. Mission : uncomfortable
Marvel Comics - 05/2002
42. Fifteen minutes of shame part 1
Marvel Comics - 06/2002
43. Fifteen minutes of shame part 2
Marvel Comics - 06/2002
44. A death in the family part 1
Marvel Comics - 08/2002
45. A death in the family part 2
Marvel Comics - 08/2002
46. A death in the family part 3
Marvel Comics - 09/2002
47. A death in the family part 4
Marvel Comics - 10/2002
48. The big question
Marvel Comics - 11/2002
49. The big answer
Marvel Comics - 12/2002
50. And here, my troubles begin
Marvel Comics - 01/2003
51. Just another manic monday part 1
Marvel Comics - 02/2003
52. Just another manic monday part 2
Marvel Comics - 03/2003
53. The rules of the game part 1
Marvel Comics - 04/2003
54. The rules of the game part 2
Marvel Comics - 05/2003
55. The rules of the game part 3
Marvel Comics - 06/2003
56. Reborn part 1
Marvel Comics - 07/2003
57. Reborn part 2
Marvel Comics - 08/2003
1561. Old haunts
Marvel Comics - 10/2012
AN1999. Song of the Man-Thing
Marvel Comics - 08/1999
INT3. Return of the Goblin
Marvel Comics - 10/2002
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