Teen Titans (Volume 3) began publication in September of 2003 and ended in October 2011. The series follows up on the events from Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day (Volume 1), which featured the members of both the defunct Titans and the members of Young Justice. Several members of both teams were combined together to create the current version of the Teen Titans.
41. Titans around the world part 4'
DC Comics - 01/2007
53. The titans of tomorrow... today, part three: combine and conquer
DC Comics - 01/2008
54. The titans of tomorrow...today, part four: fight the future
DC Comics - 02/2008
55. Paradigm rift
DC Comics - 03/2008
56. Ignition
DC Comics - 04/2008
57. Home invasion
DC Comics - 05/2008
58. The other half
DC Comics - 06/2008
59. Dark dealings
DC Comics - 07/2008
60. Time to kill
DC Comics - 08/2008
61. The red and the blue
DC Comics - 09/2008
62. Who is Wonderdog?
DC Comics - 10/2008
63. Pawns & kings, part 1: preemptive strike
DC Comics - 11/2008
64. Pawns & kings, part 2: battlelines
DC Comics - 12/2008
65. Pawns & kings, part 3: breaking rank
DC Comics - 01/2009
66. The new deal, part 1: choices
DC Comics - 02/2009
67. The new deal, part 2: born in blood
DC Comics - 03/2009
68. The new deal, part 3: new day dawning
DC Comics - 04/2009
69. The new deal, finale
DC Comics - 05/2009
70. Deathtrap, part 3
DC Comics - 05/2009
71. Homecoming
DC Comics - 06/2009
72. Child's play, part 1: ring around the rosie
DC Comics - 07/2009
73. Child's play, part 2: upstairs, downstairs
DC Comics - 09/2009
74. Child's play, part 3 : we all fall down
DC Comics - 10/2009
75. Wyld thing
DC Comics - 11/2009
76. Wyld thing part 2
DC Comics - 12/2009
77. A family affair
DC Comics - 01/2010
78. Tortured souls
DC Comics - 02/2010
79. Home alone
DC Comics - 03/2010
80. Home is where the holocaust is
DC Comics - 04/2010
81. Titans together
DC Comics - 05/2010
82. The taking of Dakota
DC Comics - 06/2010
83. A rift in a haystack
DC Comics - 07/2010
92. On the shoulders of Titans part 2
DC Comics - 04/2011
AN01. Home Invasion: Deathtrap, prelude
DC Comics - 06/2009
INT05. Life and death
DC Comics - 07/2006
INT07. Titans East
DC Comics - 12/2007
OMNI. Teen Titans by Geoff Johns Omnibus
DC Comics - 05/2022
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