Nightwing (Volume 2) is the first ongoing series to feature Dick Grayson, formerly known as Robin. The series was published from October of 1996 to April of 2009. Nightwing (Volume 2) #1000000 was published between Nightwing (Volume 2) #25 and Nightwing (Volume 2) #26.
1. Child of Justice
DC Comics - 10/1996
2. Gangland Express
DC Comics - 11/1996
3. The Freebooters
DC Comics - 12/1996
4. Lady Be Deadly
DC Comics - 01/1997
19. Shudder
DC Comics - 04/1998
20. The Day After Judgement
DC Comics - 05/1998
30. Just Passing Through
DC Comics - 04/1999
68. Bruce Wayne: Fugitive part 6
DC Comics - 06/2002
69. Bruce Wayne: Fugitive part 9
DC Comics - 07/2002
73. Cherchez la femme
DC Comics - 11/2002
74. London calling
DC Comics - 12/2002
75. JUdgment day
DC Comics - 01/2003
76. Untouchable
DC Comics - 02/2003
78. Supercop
DC Comics - 03/2003
79. No son of mine
DC Comics - 04/2003
80. Venn diagram part one
DC Comics - 06/2003
81. Venn diagram part two
DC Comics - 07/2003
82. Venn diagram part three
DC Comics - 08/2003
83. Incrimination
DC Comics - 09/2003
84. Did not shoot the deputy
DC Comics - 10/2003
85. Did not shoot the deputy part two
DC Comics - 11/2003
138. The resurrection of Ra's al Ghul, part two: the lesser of two evils
DC Comics - 01/2008
139. The resurrection of Ra's al Ghul, part six: living proof
DC Comics - 02/2008
140. Freefall, chapter one
DC Comics - 03/2008
141. Freefall, chapter two
DC Comics - 04/2008
142. Freefall, chapter three
DC Comics - 05/2008
143. Freefall, chapter four
DC Comics - 06/2008
144. Freefall, chapter five
DC Comics - 07/2008
145. Freefall, chapter six
DC Comics - 08/2008
146. Freefall, chapter seven: conclusion
DC Comics - 09/2008
147. The great leap, part one
DC Comics - 10/2008
148. The great leap, part two
DC Comics - 11/2008
149. The great leap, part three
DC Comics - 12/2008
150. The great leap, part four: conclusion
DC Comics - 01/2009
151. The great leap... and into the black, epilogue
DC Comics - 02/2009
152. Eminence front
DC Comics - 03/2009
153. Black Dawn : Origins & Omens
DC Comics - 04/2009
AN01. Forever hold your peace
DC Comics - 07/1997
HC. The Breaks
DC Comics - 11/1996
HS. The Anachronism
DC Comics - 11/1998
INT. Lethal Force
DC Comics - 11/2018
INT-01. Bludhaven
DC Comics - 11/2014
INT-03. False Starts
DC Comics - 12/2015
INT01. A knight in Blüdhaven
DC Comics - 08/1998
INT02a. Rough justice
DC Comics - 06/2015
INT03. A darker shade of justice
DC Comics - 01/2000
INT04. Love and bullets
DC Comics - 01/2001
INT05a. The Hunt For Oracle
DC Comics - 11/2016
INT06. Big guns
DC Comics - 01/2004
INT07. On the razor's edge
DC Comics - 01/2004
INT08. Year one
DC Comics - 01/2005
INT09. Mobbed up
DC Comics - 01/2006
INT10. Renegade
DC Comics - 01/2006
INT11. Brothers in blood
DC Comics - 01/2007
INT12. Love and war
DC Comics - 01/2007
INT13. The lost year
DC Comics - 09/2008
INT14. Nightwing by Peter Tomasi
DC Comics - 01/2021
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés