Title Continuity: The Punisher: Frank Castle MAX (2009) #66 continues from Punisher (2004) #65 The Punisher: Frank Castle MAX (2009) #75 continues to PunisherMAX (2010) #1
66. Six Hours to kill (Part 1)
Marvel Comics - 03/2009
67. Six Hours to kill (Part 2)
Marvel Comics - 04/2009
68. Six Hours to kill (Part 3)
Marvel Comics - 05/2009
69. Six Hours to kill (Part 4)
Marvel Comics - 06/2009
70. Six Hours to kill (Part 5)
Marvel Comics - 07/2009
71. Welcome to the Bayou (Part 1)
Marvel Comics - 08/2009
72. Welcome to the Bayou (Part 2)
Marvel Comics - 09/2009
73. Welcome to the Bayou (part 3)
Marvel Comics - 10/2009
74. Welcome to the Bayou (part 4)
Marvel Comics - 11/2009
75. Dolls / Gateway / Father's Day / Smallest Bit of This
Marvel Comics - 12/2009
INT12. Six hours to kill
Marvel Comics - 08/2009
INT13. Welcome to the Bayou
Marvel Comics - 12/2009
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés