Action Comics n°1 (couverture datée de juin 1938) est le premier numéro de la série originale de la bande dessinée Action Comics. Il présente la première apparition de plusieurs héros de bande dessinée, notamment la création de Jerry Siegel et Joe Shuster, Superman. Il a été vendu pour 10 cents (l'équivalent de 2 $ en 2017). Il est largement considéré comme le début du genre des super-héros et la... Lire la suite
1. Superman, Champion of the Oppressed
DC Comics - 06/1938
93. Christmas 'round the World
DC Comics - 02/1946
94. Battle of the Redwoods!
DC Comics - 03/1946
95. The Laughing-Stock of Metropolis
DC Comics - 04/1946
96. Haircut - and a Close Shave!
DC Comics - 05/1946
97. The Magician's Convention!
DC Comics - 06/1946
99. The Talisman of Trouble!
DC Comics - 08/1946
100. The Sleuth Who Never Failed
DC Comics - 09/1946
102. Mr. Mxyztplk and His Wonderful Lamp!
DC Comics - 11/1946
104. Candytown, U.S.A.
DC Comics - 01/1947
106. His Lordship, Clark Kent!
DC Comics - 03/1947
107. Journey into Ruin!
DC Comics - 04/1947
108. The Great Crasher!
DC Comics - 05/1947
109. The Man Who Robbed the Mint
DC Comics - 06/1947
111. Cameras in the Clouds
DC Comics - 08/1947
112. The Cross-Country Chess Crimes
DC Comics - 09/1947
113. Just an Ordinary Guy
DC Comics - 10/1947
116. The Wizard of Winter
DC Comics - 01/1948
117. Christmastown, U.S.A.!
DC Comics - 02/1948
120. Super Stuntman!
DC Comics - 05/1948
122. The Super-Sideshow
DC Comics - 07/1948
123. 50 Ways to Kill Superman!
DC Comics - 08/1948
129. Lois Lane, Cavegirl
DC Comics - 02/1949
131. The Scrambled Superman!
DC Comics - 04/1949
135. The Case of the Human Statues!
DC Comics - 08/1949
137. The Man with the Charmed Life!
DC Comics - 10/1949
139. Clark Kent... Daredevil!
DC Comics - 12/1949
140. Superman Becomes a Hermit!
DC Comics - 01/1950
148. Superman, Indian Chief!
DC Comics - 09/1950
149. The Courtship on Krypton!
DC Comics - 10/1950
153. The 100 Deaths of Clark Kent
DC Comics - 02/1951
155. The Cover Girl Mystery!
DC Comics - 04/1951
156. The Girl of Steel!
DC Comics - 05/1951
158. The Kid from Krypton!
DC Comics - 06/1951
159. The Man Who Owned Superman!
DC Comics - 08/1951
160. Superman's Aunt Minerva!
DC Comics - 09/1951
162. It
DC Comics - 11/1951
163. The Girl of Tomorrow
DC Comics - 12/1951
164. Superman's Hall of Trophies!
DC Comics - 01/1952
165. The Man Who Conquered Superman!
DC Comics - 02/1952
166. The Three Scoops of Death
DC Comics - 03/1952
167. The Machines of Crime
DC Comics - 04/1952
168. The Menace from Planet Z!
DC Comics - 05/1952
169. Clark Kent, Caveman!
DC Comics - 06/1952
170. The Mad Artist of Metropolis
DC Comics - 07/1952
171. The Secrets of Superman!
DC Comics - 08/1952
172. Lois Lane, Witch!
DC Comics - 09/1952
173. Superman's Invulnerable Foe!
DC Comics - 10/1952
174. The Man Who Shackled Superman!
DC Comics - 11/1952
175. The Five Against Superman!
DC Comics - 12/1952
176. Muscles for Money!
DC Comics - 01/1953
177. The Anti-Superman Weapon
DC Comics - 02/1953
178. The Sandman of Crime!
DC Comics - 03/1953
179. Supermanor!
DC Comics - 04/1953
180. The Super-Telethon!
DC Comics - 05/1953
181. The New Superman!
DC Comics - 06/1953
182. The Return of Planet Krypton!
DC Comics - 07/1953
183. The Perfect Plot to Kill Superman
DC Comics - 08/1953
184. The Covered Wagon of Doom!
DC Comics - 09/1953
185. Superman's Million Dollar Photos!
DC Comics - 10/1953
186. The Haunted Superman!
DC Comics - 11/1953
187. Superman's New Super-Powers!
DC Comics - 12/1953
188. The Spectral Superman!
DC Comics - 01/1954
189. Clark Kent's New Father and Mother!
DC Comics - 02/1954
190. The Boy Who Saved Superman's Life!
DC Comics - 03/1954
191. Calling "Doctor" Superman!
DC Comics - 04/1954
192. The Man Who Sped Up Superman!
DC Comics - 05/1954
193. The Golden Superman!
DC Comics - 06/1954
194. The Outlaws from Krypton!
DC Comics - 07/1954
195. Lois Lane - Wanted!
DC Comics - 08/1954
196. The Adventures of Mental-Man!
DC Comics - 09/1954
197. The Stolen "S"-Shirts!
DC Comics - 10/1954
198. The Six Lives of Lois Lane!
DC Comics - 11/1954
199. The Phantom Superman!
DC Comics - 12/1954
200. The Test of a Warrior
DC Comics - 01/1955
201. The Challenge of Stoneman!
DC Comics - 02/1955
202. Lois Lane's X-Ray Vision!
DC Comics - 03/1955
203. The International Daily Planet!
DC Comics - 04/1955
204. The Man Who Could Make Superman Do Anything!
DC Comics - 05/1955
205. Sergeant Superman!
DC Comics - 06/1955
206. Superman Marries Lois Lane!
DC Comics - 07/1955
207. The Four Superman Medals!
DC Comics - 08/1955
208. The Magic of Mr. Mxyztplk!
DC Comics - 09/1955
209. The Man Who Was Mightier Than Superman!
DC Comics - 10/1955
210. Superman in Superman Land
DC Comics - 11/1955
211. The Superman Spectaculars!
DC Comics - 12/1955
212. The Superman Calendar!
DC Comics - 01/1956
213. Paul Paxton, Alias Superman!
DC Comics - 02/1956
214. Superman, super destroyer
DC Comics - 03/1956
215. The Superman of Tomorrow!
DC Comics - 04/1956
216. The Super-Menace of Metropolis!
DC Comics - 05/1956
217. The Amazing Super-Baby!
DC Comics - 06/1956
218. The Super-Ape from Krypton!
DC Comics - 07/1956
219. Superman's Treasure Hoard!
DC Comics - 08/1956
220. The Interplanetary Olympics!
DC Comics - 09/1956
221. Superman's New Super-Power!
DC Comics - 10/1956
222. Duplicate Superman
DC Comics - 11/1956
223. The First Superman of Krypton!
DC Comics - 12/1956
224. The Secret of Superman Island!
DC Comics - 01/1957
225. The Death of Superman!
DC Comics - 02/1957
226. The Invulnerable Enemy!
DC Comics - 03/1957
227. The Man with Triple X-Ray Eyes!
DC Comics - 04/1957
228. Superman's Super-Skyscraper
DC Comics - 05/1957
229. The Superman Satellite!
DC Comics - 06/1957
230. Superman Loses His Powers!
DC Comics - 07/1957
231. Sir Jimmy Olsen, Knight of Metropolis!
DC Comics - 08/1957
232. Superman, Junior!
DC Comics - 09/1957
233. The Land of One Million Superman!
DC Comics - 10/1957
234. The Creature of 1,000 Disguises!
DC Comics - 11/1957
235. The Super-Prisoner of Amazon Island!
DC Comics - 12/1957
236. Superman's New Uniform!
DC Comics - 01/1958
237. Superman's Exposed Identity!
DC Comics - 02/1958
238. King Krypton, the Super-Gorilla!
DC Comics - 03/1958
239. Superman's New Face!
DC Comics - 04/1958
240. The Superman Sphinx
DC Comics - 05/1958
242. The Super-Duel in Space!
DC Comics - 07/1958
243. The Lady and the Lion!
DC Comics - 08/1958
244. Superman's Undersea Kingdom!
DC Comics - 09/1958
245. The Shrinking Superman!
DC Comics - 10/1958
246. The Doom from Krypton!
DC Comics - 11/1958
248. The Man No Prison Could Hold!
DC Comics - 01/1959
249. The Kryptonite Man!
DC Comics - 02/1959
250. The Eye of Metropolis!
DC Comics - 03/1959
251. The Oldest Man in Metropolis!
DC Comics - 04/1959
252. The Supergirl from Krypton!
DC Comics - 05/1959
253. The War between Jimmy Olsen and Superman!
DC Comics - 06/1959
254. The Battle with Bizarro!
DC Comics - 07/1959
255. The Bride of Bizarro!
DC Comics - 08/1959
256. The Superman of the Future!
DC Comics - 09/1959
257. Clark Kent, the Reporter of Steel!
DC Comics - 10/1959
258. Supergirl's Farewell to Earth!
DC Comics - 11/1959
259. The Revenge of Luthor!
DC Comics - 12/1959
260. Mighty Maid!
DC Comics - 01/1960
261. Secrets of the Fortress of Solitude!
DC Comics - 02/1960
262. Supergirl's Greatest Victory!
DC Comics - 03/1960
263. The World of Bizarros!
DC Comics - 04/1960
264. Superman Becomes a Bizarro!
DC Comics - 05/1960
265. The Day Supergirl Revealed Herself!
DC Comics - 06/1960
266. The Captive of the Amazons
DC Comics - 07/1960
267. Hercules in the 20th Century!
DC Comics - 08/1960
268. Superman's Battle with Hercules!
DC Comics - 09/1960
269. The Truth Mirror!
DC Comics - 10/1960
270. Superman's Old Age!
DC Comics - 11/1960
271. The Voyage to Dimension X!
DC Comics - 12/1960
272. Superman's Rival, Mental Man!
DC Comics - 01/1961
273. The World of Mr. Mxyzptlk!
DC Comics - 02/1961
274. The Reversed Super-Powers!
DC Comics - 03/1961
275. The Menace of Red and Green Kryptonite!
DC Comics - 04/1961
276. The War Between Supergirl and the Superman Emergency Squad!
DC Comics - 05/1961
277. The Battle of the Super-Pets!
DC Comics - 06/1961
278. The Super-Powers of Perry White!
DC Comics - 07/1961
279. The Super-Rivals!
DC Comics - 08/1961
280. Brainiac's Super-Revenge!
DC Comics - 09/1961
281. The Man Who Saved Superman's Life!
DC Comics - 10/1961
282. Superman's Toughest Day!
DC Comics - 11/1961
283. The Red Kryptonite Menace!
DC Comics - 12/1961
284. The Babe of Steel!
DC Comics - 01/1962
285. Superman Presents Supergirl to the World!
DC Comics - 02/1962
286. The Jury of Super-Enemies!
DC Comics - 03/1962
287. Perry White's Manhunt for Superman!
DC Comics - 04/1962
288. The Man Who Exposed Superman!
DC Comics - 05/1962
290. Half a Superman!
DC Comics - 07/1962
291. The New Superman!
DC Comics - 08/1962
292. When Superman Defended His Arch-Enemy!
DC Comics - 09/1962
293. The Secret Origin of Supergirl's Super-Horse!
DC Comics - 10/1962
294. Superman and the Kryptonite Killer!
DC Comics - 11/1962
295. Superman Goes Wild!
DC Comics - 12/1962
296. The Invasion of the Super-Ants!
DC Comics - 01/1963
297. The Man Who Discovered Superman's Identity!
DC Comics - 02/1963
298. The Super-Powers of Lex Luthor!
DC Comics - 03/1963
299. The Fantastic Secret of Superbaby II!
DC Comics - 04/1963
300. Captive of the Red Sun!
DC Comics - 05/1963
301. The Trial of Superman!
DC Comics - 06/1963
302. The Amazing Confession of Super-Perry White!
DC Comics - 07/1963
303. The Monster from Krypton!
DC Comics - 08/1963
304. The Interplanetary Olympics!
DC Comics - 09/1963
305. Why Superman Needs a Secret Identity!
DC Comics - 10/1963
306. The Great Superman Impersonation!
DC Comics - 11/1963
307. Supergirl's Wedding Day!
DC Comics - 12/1963
308. Superman Meets the Goliath-Hercules!
DC Comics - 01/1964
309. The Superman Super-Spectacular!
DC Comics - 02/1964
310. The Secret of Kryptonite Six!
DC Comics - 03/1964
311. Superman, King of Earth!
DC Comics - 04/1964
312. King Superman Versus Clark Kent, Metallo!
DC Comics - 05/1964
313. The End of Superman's Secret Identity!
DC Comics - 06/1964
314. The Day Superman Became the Flash!
DC Comics - 07/1964
315. The Juvenile Delinquents from Alpha Centauri!
DC Comics - 08/1964
316. Supergirl's Choice of Doom!
DC Comics - 09/1964
317. The Rainbow Faces of Superman!
DC Comics - 10/1964
318. The Death of Luthor!
DC Comics - 11/1964
319. The Condemned Superman!
DC Comics - 12/1964
320. The Three Super-Enemies!
DC Comics - 01/1965
321. The Weakest Man in the World!
DC Comics - 02/1965
322. The Coward of Steel!
DC Comics - 03/1965
323. Clark Kent in the Big House!
DC Comics - 04/1965
324. The Black Magic of Supergirl!
DC Comics - 05/1965
325. The Skyscraper Superman!
DC Comics - 06/1965
326. The Legion of Super-Creatures!
DC Comics - 07/1965
327. The Three Generations of Superman!
DC Comics - 08/1965
328. Superman's Hands of Doom
DC Comics - 09/1965
329. The Ultimate Enemy!
DC Comics - 10/1965
330. The Diabolical Dr. Supernatural
DC Comics - 11/1965
331. Clark Kent's Masquerade as Superman!
DC Comics - 12/1965
332. How Superwoman Trained Superboy!
DC Comics - 01/1966
333. Superman's Super Boo-Boos!
DC Comics - 02/1966
334. Issue #334
DC Comics - 03/1966
335. Luthor's First Victory Over Superman!
DC Comics - 03/1966
336. The Forbidden Fortress of Solitude!
DC Comics - 04/1966
337. From Riches to Rags!
DC Comics - 05/1966
338. Muto - The Monarch of Menace!
DC Comics - 06/1966
339. Brainiac's Kryptonite Trap for Supergirl!
DC Comics - 07/1966
340. The Power of the Parasite!
DC Comics - 08/1966
341. The Battle of the Alter-Egos!
DC Comics - 09/1966
342. The Super-Human Bomb!
DC Comics - 10/1966
343. Eterno
DC Comics - 11/1966
344. Superman's Nightmare Dreams
DC Comics - 12/1966
345. The Day Candid Camera Unmasked Clark Kent's Identity!
DC Comics - 01/1967
346. The Case of the Superman Impostor!
DC Comics - 02/1967
347. Supergirl's Super-Friends and Super-Foes!
DC Comics - 04/1967
348. Clark Kent, Fighting Federal Agent!
DC Comics - 03/1967
349. The Face of Fear!
DC Comics - 04/1967
350. Secret of the Stone-Age Superman!
DC Comics - 05/1967
351. Zha-Vam the Invincible!
DC Comics - 06/1957
352. The Petrified Superman!
DC Comics - 07/1967
353. The Battle of the Gods!
DC Comics - 08/1967
354. Captain Incredible!
DC Comics - 09/1967
355. Who Is the Only Man Superman Fears?
DC Comics - 10/1967
356. Son of the Annihilator!
DC Comics - 11/1967
357. The Kryptonite Rumble!
DC Comics - 12/1967
358. Superman... Guilty of Homicide!
DC Comics - 01/1968
359. The Case of the People vs. Superman!
DC Comics - 02/1968
360. Issue #360
DC Comics - 03/1968
361. The Power of the Parasite!
DC Comics - 03/1968
362. The Head of Hate!
DC Comics - 04/1968
363. The Leper from Krypton!
DC Comics - 05/1968
364. The Untouchable from Krypton!
DC Comics - 06/1968
365. Superman's Funeral!
DC Comics - 07/1968
366. The Substitute Superman!
DC Comics - 08/1966
367. The Menace of Superman's Speed!
DC Comics - 09/1968
368. The Unemployed Superman!
DC Comics - 10/1968
369. Superman's Greatest Blunder!
DC Comics - 11/1968
370. Superman's Lost Century!
DC Comics - 12/1968
371. The President of Steel!
DC Comics - 01/1969
372. The Masked Superman!
DC Comics - 02/1969
373. The Battle of the Super-Pets!
DC Comics - 03/1969
374. Public Enemy No. 1
DC Comics - 03/1969
375. The Big Forget!
DC Comics - 04/1969
376. The Only Way to Kill Superman!
DC Comics - 05/1969
377. The Cage of Doom!
DC Comics - 06/1969
378. The Devil's Partner!
DC Comics - 07/1969
379. The Revenge of the Eliminator!
DC Comics - 08/1969
380. The Confessions of Superman!
DC Comics - 09/1969
381. The Dictator of Earth!
DC Comics - 10/1969
382. The Mad Magician!
DC Comics - 11/1969
383. The Killer Costume or the Ultra Uniform?
DC Comics - 12/1969
384. The Forbidden Costume!
DC Comics - 01/1970
385. The Immortal Superman!
DC Comics - 02/1970
386. The Home for Old Super-Heroes!
DC Comics - 03/1970
387. Even a Superman Dies!
DC Comics - 04/1970
388. Puzzle of the Wild World!
DC Comics - 05/1970
389. The Kid Who Struck Out Superman!
DC Comics - 06/1970
390. The Self-Destruct Superman!
DC Comics - 07/1970
391. The Punishment of Superman's Son!
DC Comics - 08/1970
392. The Shame of the Super-Son!
DC Comics - 09/1970
393. Superman Meets Super-Houdini!
DC Comics - 10/1970
394. Superman - Midas of Metropolis
DC Comics - 11/1970
395. A Girl Mightier Than Superman?
DC Comics - 12/1970
396. The Super-Panhandler of Metropolis
DC Comics - 01/1971
397. The Secret of the Wheel-Chair Superman
DC Comics - 02/1971
398. The Pied Piper of Steel!
DC Comics - 03/1971
399. Superman, You're Dead... Dead Dead
DC Comics - 04/1971
400. My Son... Is He Man or Beast?
DC Comics - 05/1971
401. Invader Go Home
DC Comics - 06/1971
402. This Hostage Must Die
DC Comics - 07/1971
403. Attack of the Micro-Murderer
DC Comics - 08/1971
404. Kneel to Your Conqueror, Superman
DC Comics - 09/1971
405. Bodyguard or Assassin?
DC Comics - 10/1971
406. The Ghost That Haunted Clark Kent!
DC Comics - 11/1971
407. The Fiend in the Fortress of Solitude
DC Comics - 12/1971
408. The Hero Superman Doomed to Die!
DC Comics - 01/1972
409. Who Is Clark Kent's Killer and Why Is He Doing Those Terrible Things to Me?
DC Comics - 02/1972
410. The Satanic Son of Superman!
DC Comics - 03/1972
411. The Day They Sold Superman's Fortress
DC Comics - 04/1972
412. Secret of the First Metropolis
DC Comics - 05/1972
413. The Voodoo Doom of Superman
DC Comics - 06/1972
414. Superman vs Superstar
DC Comics - 07/1972
415. Meet the Metropolis Monster
DC Comics - 08/1972
416. Superman, You Scare Me to Death
DC Comics - 09/1972
417. Conspiracy of the Crime-Lords
DC Comics - 10/1972
418. Who Can Beat Superman? More Supermen!
DC Comics - 11/1972
419. The Most Dangerous Man on Earth!
DC Comics - 12/1972
420. The Made-to-Order Menace!
DC Comics - 01/1973
421. The Fantastic Feats of Captain Strong!
DC Comics - 02/1973
422. The TV Show That Menaced Metropolis!
DC Comics - 03/1973
423. Luthor's Hammer of Hate!
DC Comics - 04/1973
424. Gorilla Grodd's Grandstand Play!
DC Comics - 06/1973
425. The Last Moa on Earth!
DC Comics - 07/1973
426. Master of the Moon Rocks!
DC Comics - 08/1973
427. The Man Who Never Lived!
DC Comics - 09/1973
428. Whatever Happened to Superman?
DC Comics - 10/1973
429. The Man Who Wrote Superman's Obituary!
DC Comics - 11/1973
430. Bus-Ride to Nowhere!
DC Comics - 12/1973
431. The Monster Who Unmasked Superman!
DC Comics - 01/1974
432. Target of the Toymen!
DC Comics - 02/1974
433. The Man Who Was Buried on Page 64!
DC Comics - 03/1974
434. The Krypton Connection!
DC Comics - 04/1974
435. I Want to Wreck the World!
DC Comics - 05/1974
436. The Super-Cigars of Perry White!
DC Comics - 06/1974
437. Magic Is Bustin' Out All Over!
DC Comics - 07/1974
438. A Monster Named Lois Lane!
DC Comics - 08/1974
439. Too Big to Live!
DC Comics - 09/1974
440. The Man Who Betrayed Krypton!
DC Comics - 10/1974
441. Weather War Over Metropolis!
DC Comics - 11/1974
442. The Midnight Murder Show!
DC Comics - 12/1974
443. Superman Unleashes the World's Greatest Action Heroes!
DC Comics - 01/1975
444. Beware the Hero-Killers!
DC Comics - 02/1975
445. Count Ten, Superman - and Die!
DC Comics - 03/1975
446. Clark Kent Calling Superman... Clark Kent Calling Superman!
DC Comics - 04/1975
447. The Man Who Created Superman
DC Comics - 05/1975
448. What Eerie Menace Lurks on the 13th Floor?
DC Comics - 06/1975
449. My Best Friend - The Super-Spy!
DC Comics - 07/1975
450. The Laugh Heard 'Round The World!
DC Comics - 08/1976
451. The Great Super-Hero Contest!
DC Comics - 09/1975
452. The Loser... and New Champion!
DC Comics - 10/1975
453. Superman's Fantastic Face-Saving Feat!
DC Comics - 11/1975
454. Superman's Energy-Crisis!
DC Comics - 12/1975
455. Junkman - The Recycled Superstar!
DC Comics - 01/1976
456. Jaws of the Killer Shark!
DC Comics - 02/1976
457. Superman, You're Not Clark Kent - And I Can Prove It!
DC Comics - 03/1976
458. Make Me a Super-Hero!
DC Comics - 04/1976
459. Superman's Big Crack-Up!
DC Comics - 05/1976
460. Superman, You'll Be the Death of Me Yet!
DC Comics - 06/1976
461. Kill Me - or Leave Me
DC Comics - 07/1976
462. Super-War of Independence!
DC Comics - 08/1976
463. Die Now, Live Later!
DC Comics - 09/1976
464. Superman, I'm Going to Re-Run Your Life!
DC Comics - 10/1976
465. Think Young and Die!
DC Comics - 11/1976
466. You Can Take the Man out of the Super, But You Can't Take the Super out of the Boy
DC Comics - 12/1976
467. Stop It, Superman! You're Wrecking the World!
DC Comics - 01/1977
468. Terra-Man at Nine O'Clock!
DC Comics - 02/1977
469. The Night Superman Was Buried in Boot Hill!
DC Comics - 03/1977
470. Even Superman Must Die Sometime!
DC Comics - 04/1977
471. One of Our Phantoms Is Missing!
DC Comics - 05/1977
472. The Phantom Touch of Death!
DC Comics - 06/1977
473. The Great Phantom Peril!
DC Comics - 07/1977
474. Will the Real Superman Please Show Up?
DC Comics - 08/1977
475. The Super-Hero Who Refused to Hang Up His Boots!
DC Comics - 09/1977
476. Attack of the Anti-Super-Hero
DC Comics - 10/1977
477. The Land-Lords of Earth!
DC Comics - 11/1977
478. Earth's Last Day!
DC Comics - 12/1977
479. The Giant from the Golden Atom!
DC Comics - 01/1978
480. Amazo's Big Breakthrough!
DC Comics - 02/1978
481. It's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's Supermobile!
DC Comics - 03/1978
482. This Is a Job for Supermobile!
DC Comics - 04/1978
483. Sleep No More!
DC Comics - 05/1978
484. Superman Takes a Wife!
DC Comics - 06/1978
485. The Experiment That Backfired on Superman!
DC Comics - 07/1978
486. Superman's Time-Killing Trip!
DC Comics - 08/1978
487. Super-Origin of Microwave Man!
DC Comics - 09/1978
488. Superman Battles Microwave Man!
DC Comics - 10/1978
489. Krypton Dies Again!
DC Comics - 11/1978
490. No Tomorrow for Superman!
DC Comics - 12/1978
491. A Matter of Light and Death!
DC Comics - 01/1979
492. Superman's Secret Afterlife!
DC Comics - 02/1979
493. The Metropolis-UFO Connection!
DC Comics - 03/1979
494. The Secret of the Super-S!
DC Comics - 04/1979
495. Attack of the Ultimate Warrior!
DC Comics - 05/1979
496. Death out of a Bottle!
DC Comics - 06/1979
497. Superman's Command Performance
DC Comics - 07/1979
498. The Catastrophic Man!
DC Comics - 08/1979
499. As the World Turns... For the Last Time!
DC Comics - 09/1979
500. The Life Story of Superman
DC Comics - 10/1979
502. Fall and Rise of the Star-Child!
DC Comics - 12/1979
546. Showdown!
DC Comics - 08/1983
548. Escape from the phantom zone
DC Comics - 10/1983
553. The World at Time's End!
DC Comics - 03/1984
565. Superman Starring In Action Comics
DC Comics - 03/1985
579. Prisoners of time
DC Comics - 03/1985
583. Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?, Part Two
DC Comics - 09/1986
584. Squatter!
DC Comics - 01/1987
585. And Graves Give Up Their Dead
DC Comics - 02/1987
586. The Champion!
DC Comics - 03/1987
587. Cityscape!
DC Comics - 04/1987
588. All Wars Must End (part two)
DC Comics - 05/1987
589. Green on Green
DC Comics - 06/1987
590. Better Dying Through Chemistry
DC Comics - 07/1987
591. Past Imperfect
DC Comics - 08/1987
592. A Walk On The Darkside
DC Comics - 09/1987
593. The Suicide Snare
DC Comics - 10/1987
594. All that Glisters
DC Comics - 11/1987
595. The Ghost Of Superman
DC Comics - 12/1987
596. Hell is Where the Heart Is...
DC Comics - 01/1988
597. Visitor
DC Comics - 02/1988
598. Checkmate
DC Comics - 03/1988
599. Element 126
DC Comics - 04/1988
600. Different worlds
DC Comics - 05/1988
601. And the pain shall leave my heart
DC Comics - 06/1988
602. Requiem
DC Comics - 09/1987
643. Superman on Earth
DC Comics - 07/1989
644. Doppelganger
DC Comics - 08/1989
645. My Lady Maxima!
DC Comics - 09/1989
646. Burial Ground
DC Comics - 10/1989
647. Brain Drain
DC Comics - 11/1989
648. Body and Mind
DC Comics - 12/1989
649. Man and Machine
DC Comics - 01/1990
650. Reflections
DC Comics - 02/1990
651. Not of This Earth
DC Comics - 03/1990
652. Wayward Son
DC Comics - 04/1990
662. At Long Last... ...The Secret Revealed!
DC Comics - 02/1991
665. The Eternal Sleep of Baron Sunday!
DC Comics - 05/1991
668. Lex Luthor Strikes Again.. ..From Beyond the Grave!
DC Comics - 08/1991
680. The Blaze/Satanus War Rages on!
DC Comics - 08/1992
681. On Another Rampage!
DC Comics - 09/1992
683. Night of the Jackal!
DC Comics - 11/1992
685. Re:actions
DC Comics - 01/1993
686. Funeral for a Friend/6. Who's Buried in Superman's Tomb?
DC Comics - 02/1993
687. Reign of the Supermen! The Last Son of Krypton is Back!
DC Comics - 06/1993
688. Reign of the Supermen! Guy Gardner Chooses Sides!
DC Comics - 07/1993
689. Reign of the Supermen! Who Watches the Supermen?
DC Comics - 07/1993
691. Reign of the Supermen! Shattered Steel!
DC Comics - 09/1993
692. Issue #692
DC Comics - 10/1993
693. Kryptonian No More!
DC Comics - 11/1993
694. Spilled Blood, Second Cut. High-Tech System High-Tech Overload!
DC Comics - 12/1993
695. Cauldron kills!
DC Comics - 01/1994
696. The Champion of Space!
DC Comics - 02/1994
697. Bizarro's World!
DC Comics - 03/1994
698. Power Surge!
DC Comics - 04/1994
699. The Battle For Metropolis! This Means War!
DC Comics - 05/1994
700. The Fall Of Metropolis!
DC Comics - 06/1994
702. Bloodsport... ...Back to Keep Metropolis Clean!
DC Comics - 08/1994
703. Zero Hour. Nothing Left to Lose!
DC Comics - 09/1994
703sp. The Beginning of Tomorrow!
DC Comics - 10/1994
704. Dead Again! Eradicating the Eradicator!
DC Comics - 11/1994
705. Dead Again! Body of Evidence!
DC Comics - 12/1994
709. Reign of the Warrior! Guy Gardner Loses It!
DC Comics - 04/1995
710. Issue #710
DC Comics - 06/1995
711. Conduit is Dead! Long Live Superman!
DC Comics - 07/1995
712. Pressure!
DC Comics - 08/1995
714. The Joke's on You!
DC Comics - 10/1995
715. Parasite!
DC Comics - 11/1995
716. Chain Gang!
DC Comics - 12/1995
721. Strange Luck!
DC Comics - 05/1996
722. Twister!
DC Comics - 06/1995
724. Stop, Superman! You're killing him!
DC Comics - 08/1996
725. The Bottle City, Part 1 of 3
DC Comics - 09/1996
726. Barrage Attacks!
DC Comics - 10/1996
728. I Killed Superman!
DC Comics - 12/1996
730. The Superman Revenge Squad in Action Comics
DC Comics - 02/1997
732. New Powers... ...New Challenges!
DC Comics - 04/1997
737. Jimmy Olsen: On-The-Spot Reporter!
DC Comics - 09/1997
745. Issue #745
DC Comics - 06/1998
749. City of the Future
DC Comics - 12/1998
750. Confidence Job
DC Comics - 01/1999
752. Superman: Have You Forsaken Metropolis?
DC Comics - 03/1999
756. Five Foes Too Many!
DC Comics - 08/1999
757. Secret Origins Part 3: Eyes of the Hawk
DC Comics - 08/1999
758. Intergang War! Lois Left Out! Rock Lobster!
DC Comics - 10/1999
760. The Neverending Battle!
DC Comics - 12/1999
762. This Season There Will Be No Cheer, For Demon... Is Bringing Loads Of Fear!
DC Comics - 02/2000
763. Brainiac13 Triumphant? Not If Lex Luthor Has Anything To Do About It!
DC Comics - 03/2000
772. Lois... Talia... Encantadora... ...Trouble!
DC Comics - 12/2000
778. Infestation, Part Four of Four. The Cure!
DC Comics - 06/2001
781. Our Worlds At War
DC Comics - 09/2001
827. Strange attractors
DC Comics - 07/2005
828. Strange attractors part 2
DC Comics - 08/2005
829. Strange attractors part 3
DC Comics - 09/2005
830. Strange attractors part 4
DC Comics - 10/2005
831. Black and Blue
DC Comics - 11/2005
832. Old ghosts
DC Comics - 12/2005
833. Depths
DC Comics - 01/2006
834. Awake in the dark
DC Comics - 02/2006
835. A contagion of madness
DC Comics - 03/2006
836. This was your life
DC Comics - 04/2006
837. Up, Up, and Away! Chapter Two Mild-Mannered Reporter
DC Comics - 05/2006
838. Up, Up, and Away! Chapter Four Powers and Abilities
DC Comics - 06/2006
839. Up, Up, and Away! Chapter Six This Looks Like a Job...
DC Comics - 07/2006
840. Up, Up, and Away! Finale The Adventures of Superman
DC Comics - 08/2006
841. Back In Action
DC Comics - 09/2006
842. Back In Action Part 2 Action & Reaction
DC Comics - 10/2006
843. Back In Action Part 3 All-Out Action
DC Comics - 11/2006
844. Last Son Part One
DC Comics - 12/2006
845. Last Son Part Two
DC Comics - 01/2007
846. Last Son Part Three
DC Comics - 02/2007
847. Intermezzo
DC Comics - 04/2007
848. Redemption part one If You Believe, a Man Can Fly
DC Comics - 05/2007
849. A crisis of faith !
DC Comics - 07/2007
850. Superman: Past, Present... and Future!
DC Comics - 07/2007
851. Last Son Part Four
DC Comics - 08/2007
852. A countdown tie-in
DC Comics - 09/2007
853. The signal (part 2)
DC Comics - 10/2007
854. A countdown tie-in
DC Comics - 10/2007
855. Action comics #855 : escape from bizarro world 1
DC Comics - 10/2007
856. Action comics #856 : escape from bizarro world 2
DC Comics - 11/2007
857. Action comics #857 : escape from bizarro world 3
DC Comics - 12/2007
858. Superman and the legion of super-heroes (part one)
DC Comics - 12/2007
861. Superman and the legion of super-heroes (part four)
DC Comics - 03/2008
873. Lex Luthor Faces of Evil
DC Comics - 03/2009
876. Issue # 876
DC Comics - 06/2009
88732. Truth to power
DC Comics - 05/2010
892. The black ring part 3
DC Comics - 10/2010
893. The black ring part 4
DC Comics - 11/2010
894. The black ring part 5
DC Comics - 12/2010
895. The black ring part 6
DC Comics - 01/2011
896. The black ring part 7
DC Comics - 02/2011
897. The black ring part 8
DC Comics - 03/2011
898. The black ring part 9
DC Comics - 04/2011
899. The black ring part 10
DC Comics - 05/2011
900. The black ring part 11
DC Comics - 06/2011
901. Reign of doomsdays part 1
DC Comics - 07/2011
902. Reign of doomsdays part 2
DC Comics - 08/2011
903. Reign of Doomsdays, part 3
DC Comics - 09/2011
957. Path of Doom - Part one
DC Comics - 09/2016
958. Path of Doom - Part two
DC Comics - 08/2016
959. Path of Doom - Part three
DC Comics - 09/2016
960. Path of Doom - Part Four
DC Comics - 09/2016
961. Path of Doom - Part Five
DC Comics - 10/2016
962. Path of Doom - Conclusion
DC Comics - 10/2016
963. Superman meet Clark Kent - Part 1
DC Comics - 11/2016
964. Superman meet Clark Kent - Part 2
DC Comics - 11/2016
965. Lois Lane, Back at the Planet (Part 1)
DC Comics - 12/2016
966. Lois Lane, Back at the Planet (Part 2)
DC Comics - 12/2016
967. Men of Steel - Part 1
DC Comics - 01/2017
968. Men of Steel - Part 2
DC Comics - 01/2017
969. Men of Steel - Part 3
DC Comics - 02/2017
970. Men of Steel - Part 4
DC Comics - 02/2017
971. Men of Steel - Part 5
DC Comics - 03/2017
972. Men of Steel - Conclusion
DC Comics - 03/2017
973. Mild Mannered - Part One
DC Comics - 04/2017
974. Mild Mannered - Part Two
DC Comics - 04/2017
975. Superman: Reborn Part 2
DC Comics - 05/2017
976. Superman: Reborn Part 4
DC Comics - 05/2017
977. The New World Part 1
DC Comics - 06/2017
978. The New World Part 2
DC Comics - 04/2017
979. Revenge Part 1
DC Comics - 05/2017
980. Revenge Part 2
DC Comics - 05/2017
981. Revenge Part 3
DC Comics - 08/2017
982. Revenge Part 4
DC Comics - 08/2017
983. Revenge Part 5
DC Comics - 09/2017
984. Revenge Conclusion
DC Comics - 09/2017
985. Eve of Destruction: Part One
DC Comics - 08/2017
986. Only Human, Part 2: The Truth
DC Comics - 10/2017
987. The Oz Effect: Part One
DC Comics - 11/2017
988L. The Oz Effect: Part Two
DC Comics - 09/2017
989L. The Oz Effect: Part Three
DC Comics - 10/2017
990L. The Oz Effect: Part Four
DC Comics - 10/2017
991L. The Oz Effect: Part Five
DC Comics - 11/2017
992. The Oz Effect: Aftermath
DC Comics - 01/2018
993. Booster Shot Part I
DC Comics - 02/2018
994. Booster Shot Part II
DC Comics - 02/2018
995. Booster Shot Part III
DC Comics - 03/2018
996. Booster Shot Part IV
DC Comics - 03/2018
997. Booster Shot Part V
DC Comics - 04/2018
998. Booster Shot Conclusion
DC Comics - 04/2018
999. What Would super Man do?
DC Comics - 05/2018
1000. 1000
DC Comics - 06/2018
1001A. Invisible Mafia
DC Comics - 09/2018
1002A. Invisible Mafia - Part 2
DC Comics - 10/2018
1003. Invisible Mafia - Part 3
DC Comics - 09/2018
1004. Invisible Mafia - Part 4
DC Comics - 12/2018
1005. Invisible Mafia - Part 5
DC Comics - 01/2019
1006. Invisible Mafia - Part 6
DC Comics - 03/2019
1007. Leviathan rises - Part 1
DC Comics - 03/2019
1008. Leviathan rises - Part 1
DC Comics - 04/2019
1009. Leviathan rises - Part 3
DC Comics - 05/2019
1010. Leviathan rises - Part 4
DC Comics - 06/2019
1011. Leviathan rises - Part 5
DC Comics - 07/2019
1012. By any other name...
DC Comics - 08/2019
1013. Gifs
DC Comics - 09/2019
1014. Untitled
DC Comics - 10/2019
1015. New Voices
DC Comics - 11/2019
1016. Coming of Age
DC Comics - 12/2019
1017. Metropolis Doom !
DC Comics - 01/2020
1018. Metropolis Doom ! - Part 2
DC Comics - 03/2020
1019. Metropolis Doom ! - Part 3
DC Comics - 03/2020
1020. Metropolis Doom ! - Part 4
DC Comics - 04/2020
1021. Metropolis Doom ! - Conclusion
DC Comics - 05/2020
1022. The House of Kent - Part One
DC Comics - 07/2020
1023. The House of Kent - Part Two
DC Comics - 09/2020
1024. The House of Kent - Part Three
DC Comics - 10/2020
1025. The House of Kent - Part Four
DC Comics - 11/2020
1026. The House of Kent - Part Five
DC Comics - 12/2020
1027. The House of Kent - Part Six
DC Comics - 01/2021
1028. The House of Kent - Part Seven
DC Comics - 02/2021
1029. The Golden age - Part two
DC Comics - 05/2021
1030. Warworld rising - Part One
DC Comics - 06/2021
1031. Warworld rising - Part Two
DC Comics - 07/2021
1032. Warworld rising - Part Three
DC Comics - 08/2021
1033. Warworld rising - Part Four
DC Comics - 09/2021
1034. Warworld Rising - Part Five
DC Comics - 10/2021
1035. Warworld Rising - Part Six
DC Comics - 11/2021
1036. Warworld Saga - Part 1
DC Comics - 12/2021
1037. Warworld Saga - Part 2
DC Comics - 12/2021
1038. Warworld Saga - Part 3
DC Comics - 02/2022
1039. Warworld Saga - Part 4
DC Comics - 03/2022
1040. Warworld Saga - Part 5
DC Comics - 04/2022
1041. Midnighter's Tale
DC Comics - 05/2022
1042. Warworld Saga - Part 7
DC Comics - 06/2022
1043. Warworld Revolution - Part 1
DC Comics - 07/2022
1044. Warworld Revolution - Part 2
DC Comics - 08/2022
1045. Warworld Revolution - Part 3
DC Comics - 09/2022
1046. Warworld Revolution - Part 4
DC Comics - 10/2022
1047. Kal-El Returns - Chapter One : Double Sun
DC Comics - 12/2022
1048. Kal-El Returns - Chapter Three : Olgrun's Heir
DC Comics - 12/2022
1049. Kal-El Returns - Chapter Five : The Fight Ahead
DC Comics - 12/2022
1050. Project Blackout
DC Comics - 02/2023
1051. Speeding Bullets - Part I
DC Comics - 03/2023
1052. House of Metallo
DC Comics - 04/2023
1053. Unmade
DC Comics - 03/2023
1054. Power Like This!
DC Comics - 06/2023
1055. Tech Alive
DC Comics - 07/2023
1056. Ex Machina
DC Comics - 08/2023
1057. Revenge of the Demon Part One
DC Comics - 11/2023
1058. Dark Mirror
DC Comics - 12/2023
1059. Men of Steel
DC Comics - 01/2024
1060. into the Abyss with John Constantine
DC Comics - 02/2024
1061. I, Bizarro Part One
DC Comics - 03/2024
1062. Live.
DC Comics - 03/2024
1063. Backward Metropolis
DC Comics - 05/2024
1064. House Of Braniac Part1: Braniac Attacks
DC Comics - 06/2024
1065VC. House of Brainiac, Part 3
DC Comics - 07/2024
1066. Long Live the Brainiac Queen!
DC Comics - 08/2024
AN01. Skeeter
DC Comics - 06/1987
AN01. War over Metropolis
DC Comics - 02/2024
AN02. Memories of Krypton's Past
DC Comics - 05/1989
AN06. Elseworlds: Legacy
DC Comics - 01/1994
AN10. Action Comics Annual #10
DC Comics - 02/2007
AN11. Last Son Conclusion
DC Comics - 05/2008
AN13. Father box
DC Comics - 02/2010
AN14. Tales of the House of El
DC Comics - 09/2021
AN15. A Tale of Two Titans
DC Comics - 07/2022
INT. Superman: Last son
DC Comics - 01/2008
INT. Superman and the legion of super-heroes
DC Comics - 12/2008
INT. Brainiac
DC Comics - 02/2010
INT. Superman: Last Son of Krypton
DC Comics - 12/2012
INT. Lois and Clark : Doom rising
DC Comics - 02/2024
INT. House of Brainiac
DC Comics - 09/2024
INT. To Hell And Back
DC Comics - 09/2024
INT. Revenge of the Demon
DC Comics - 02/2025
INT a. Dawn of DC Volume 1: Rise of Metallo
DC Comics - 03/2024
INT00. Superman: Escape from Bizarro World
DC Comics - 05/2009
INT01. Vol.1 Path of Doom
DC Comics - 01/2017
INT02. Vol.2 Welcome to The Planet
DC Comics - 01/2018
INT03. Vol.3 Men of Steel
DC Comics - 07/2018
INT04. Vol.4 The New World
DC Comics - 07/2018
INT05. The OZ Effect
DC Comics - 06/2019
INT10. Warworld rising
DC Comics - 01/2022
INT11. The arena
DC Comics - 07/2022
INT12. Warworld revolution
DC Comics - 01/2023
INT13. Kal-El returns
DC Comics - 07/2023
SP01. The Last Will And Testament Of Lex Luthor
DC Comics - 07/2018
BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés