Résumé: - New X-Men "A l'Assaut de l'Arme Plus (3) La Chair" (New X-Men 144 "Assault on Weapon Plus, part 3: The Flesh" 09/2003). - Uncanny X-Men "Les mort n'ont aucun droit" (Uncanny X-Men 427 "The Dead Are Not Rights" 09/2003). - Uncanny X-Men "Draco (prologue) Comment tout a commencé" (Uncanny X-Men 428 "The Draco Prologue: How did I get here?" 09/2003). - Uncanny X-Men "Draco (1) Les Pêchés du père" (Uncanny X-Men 429 "The Draco; part 1: Sins of the Father" 10/2003).