Résumé: Contient :
- X-Men "Les péchés du père (3)" ( X-men: Legacy 213 "Sins of the father, part 3" 08/2008).
- X-Men "Les péchés du père (4)" ( X-men: Legacy 214 "Sins of the father, part 4" 09/2008).
- Young X-men "Projet d'extinction" (Young X-Men 4 "Extinction Agenda" 09/2008).
- X-men "Le trou" (X-men Divided We Stand 2 "The Hole" 07/2008).
- X-men "Idée Fixe" (X-men Divided We Stand 2 "Idée Fixe" 07/2008).
- X-men "Le Soleil se couche aussi" (X-men Divided We Stand 2 "The Sun Also Sets" 07/2008).