- Informations sur l'album
Viz Comics
- The Big Hard One
- SP
- Europe
- Humour gras
- 515237
Biz, Jim
Dury, Graham
Stevens, Martin
Donald, Chris
Donald, Simon
Radio, Roger
Biz, Jim
Dury, Graham
Donald, Steve
01/1987 (Parution le 01/01/1990)
- non coté
- Virgin Books
- Format normal
- 0-86369-236-2
- 96
06/02/2025 16:48:53 (maj 07/02/2025 18:12:53)
- Info édition : Noté : Reprinted 1987 (twice), 1988 (five times), 1989 (five times), 1990 (twice). Best of de Viz (1979) #1-12.
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