- Informations sur l'album
- Superman : The Man of Steel Vol.1 (1991)
- Bloodlines Outbreak. The Edge of Steel!
- AN02
- Super-héros
- 455128
- Simonson, Louise
- Newell, Eddy
- Whitmore, Glenn
- Barreiro, Mike
- De Guzmán, Albert
- Alamy, Christian
- 07/1993
- non coté
- DC Comics
- Format comics
- 54
- 08/09/2022 19:46:36 (maj 09/09/2022 12:19:30)
- Info édition : Story takes place during the time Superman is "dead." Steel is known at this time as the Man of Steel. Next part of the Bloodlines crossover is BATMAN: SHADOW OF THE BAT ANNUAL #1.