Résumé: Cogliostro explains to Al that if he uses any of his powers it could ultimately lead to him being returned to Hell and Cog reveals that he, too, is a Spawn. Meanwhile, Terry is in the hospital recuperating from the accident where Wanda finds out about Terry's secret doctor visits. When test results reveal that Terry has a malignant brain tumor, Granny Blake asks Al to help him. Als hatred for Terry conflicts with his love for Wanda and his honeymoon promise to keep her happy. After Terry slips into a coma, Al sacrifices his power to restore Terry's health and Wanda's happiness, realizing that Wanda is lost to him forever. The drain of power thrusts Al to Hells second level. Devoid of a purpose for living, Spawn submits to being attacked by vile creatures whose mission is to drain Spawn of his life sustaining necroplasm. Then suddenly, memories of past injustices provoke Al into a rage and he rises to fight again.