A Trip to Simpsons Mountain, script by Mary Trainor (story) and Bill Morrison (co-plot), pencils by Stephanie Gladden, inks by Tim Bavington; Grampa Simpson tells a story about life before television; However, his story incorporates a bunch of television shows such as: Beverly Hills 90210, The Waltons, The Brady Bunch, The Partridge Family and Leave it to Beaver. Kill-Er-Up With Regular starring Itchy & Scratchy, script and art by Bill Morrison. My First Bully, Part One article by Matt Groening.
1. A Trip to Simpsons Mountain
2. Hello Funnies #1 Featuring Itchy & Scratchy
3. Kill-Er-Up With Regular
4. My First Bully, Part One (full text article by Matt Groening)
5. Junk Mail (letters column)