- Informations sur l'album
- She-Hulk (2005)
- Fathers And Daughters
- 33
- Super-héros
- 303744
- David, Peter
- Cucca, Vincenzo
- Ciardo, Barbara
- Acunzo, Vincenzo
- 11/2008 (Parution le 24/09/2008)
- 09/2008
- non coté
- Marvel Comics
- Format comics
- 22
- 01/05/2017 23:02:35 (maj 02/05/2017 20:49:19)
- Résumé: A SECRET INVASION TIE-IN! He may have helped Nova and the Guardians save the universe twice, but now the Super-Skrull is out for blood...the blood of his own daughter! Can She-Hulk prevent the murder of her partner, or will Jazinda's infamous father use this summer's alien invasion to do his dirty work?