- Informations sur l'album
- Scooby Apocalypse (2016)
- Brotherly Hate!
- 13
- Aventure
- 307130
- Giffen, Keith
- Eaglesham, Dale
- Hi-Fi
- 07/2017 (Parution le 10/05/2017)
- 05/2017
- non coté
- DC Comics
- Hanna-Barbera
- Format comics
- 28
- 09/07/2017 22:55:10 (maj 09/07/2017 23:24:19)
- Résumé: After a disastrous meeting with Velma’s evil brother, the gang must battle their way out of his terrifying skyscraper. With danger on every floor, how will they make it out alive?