- Informations sur l'album
- Relatos salvages
- Conan el Bucanero
- Comics
- 304353
- Thomas, Roy
- Buscema, John
- <N&B>
- Tony DeZuniga
- Norem, Earl
- 06/1980
- de 10 à 15 euros
- Vertice
- Format normal
- 160
- 12/05/2017 19:05:11 (maj 12/05/2017 19:05:20)
- illustration de Anton Caravana
- Info édition : Contient les récits "A dream of blood" (The Savage Sword of Conan Vol.1 #40 - 05/1979), "The quest for the Cobra Crown" (The Savage Sword of Conan Vol.1 #41 - 06/1979), "The devil-tree of Gamburu" (The Savage Sword of Conan Vol.1 #42 - 07/1979) et "King Thoth-Amon" (The Savage Sword of Conan Vol.1 #43 - 08/1979)