- Informations sur l'album
- RWBY: Official Manga Anthology
- From Shadows
- 3
- Fiction
- 476092
- <Indéterminé>
- <Indéterminé>
- <N&B>
- 12/2018 (Parution le 04/12/2018)
- non coté
- Viz Media LLC
- Format Manga
- 978-1-9747028-1-7
- 168
- 25/06/2023 18:32:38 (maj 27/09/2023 07:12:39)
- Info édition : VIZ
- Résumé: Defeating monsters and stopping evil is a tough job, but TEAM RWBY is up for any challenge! Well, except for homework. Blake used to be a freedom fighter for her people, suppressed by humans for years. She's a hero--but she's also a teen girl who just wants to fit in with her friends. These stories highlight her awesome personality, from serious to silly. From a team of exciting new manga artists comes the third volume in a series of short story collections showcasing Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang.