- Informations sur l'album
Lady Mechanika (2010)
- Lady Mechanika - Free Comic Book Day 2020
- FCBD 2020
- Science-fiction
- 404178
Benitez, Joe
Benitez, Joe
Steigerwald, Peter
Reed, Josh
05/2020 (Parution le 02/09/2020)
- non coté
- Benitez Productions
- Format comics
- 25
03/10/2020 17:13:46 (maj 31/10/2020 20:44:32)
- Info édition : Contient The Demon of Satan's Alley (14 pages) + An Excerpt from the Clockwork Assassin (5 pages) + An Excerpt from Sangre (6 pages).
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BDGest 2014 - Tous droits réservés