Résumé: ACG Comics reprints the classic adventures of Herbie, the American Comics Group super-hero parody, featuring a rotund, lackadaisical, lollipop-sucking nerd boy who is inexplicably all-powerful. Professor Flipdome transports Herbie and his father to Miniturea, where everyone has a miniature twin. In another story, Professor Flipdome creates the Automatic Imitator, which makes many duplicates of Herbie. Finally, Herbie and Flipdome travel to the center of the earth to teach a bully a lesson. Also, a Rog 2000 story starring the robot cabbie from E-Man comics, featuring early work by John Byrne. Reprints from Herbie #4, 9 and 20, plus comedy shorts from Charltons Go-Go. Professor Flipdomes Screwy Machine; Bound in the Badcave; Lookit All the Herbies; The Wish; Adventure at the Center of the Earth.