- Informations sur l'album
- Generations: Ms. Marvel & Ms. Marvel (2017)
- Generations: Ms.Marvel & Ms. Marvel
- 1B
- Super-héros
- 312389
- Wilson, G. Willow
- Villanelli, Paolo
- Herring, Ian
- Coipel, Olivier
- 11/2017 (Parution le 20/09/2017)
- 09/2017
- non coté
- Marvel Comics
- Format comics
- 30
- 01/10/2017 22:59:42 (maj 02/10/2017 21:37:48)
- Info édition : Variant Cover : Olivier Coipel
- Résumé: Ms. Marvel's falling out with her idol Carol Danvers, a.k.a. the Mighty Captain Marvel, just took a BIZARRE turn! Kamala suddenly finds herself as an intern at Woman Magazine – Carol's former place of employment! Between cozying up to her boss, filing back issues, and her usual super-heroing, how will Kamala find time to figure out what got her here in the first place?