Résumé: Contient:
- Special Marvel Edition (I) 15 "Le sinistre Kou Namfu" (Special Marvel Edition (I) 15 "
Shang Chi, Master of Kung Fu!" 12/1973).
- Special Marvel Edition (I) 16 "L'heure de la mort" (Special Marvel Edition (I) 16 "
Midnight Brings Dark Death" 02/1974).
- Maître du Kung-Fu (I) 17 "La villa du meurtre" (Master of Kung Fu (I) 17 "Lair of the Lost!" 04/1974).
- Maître du Kung-Fu (I) 18 "L'attaque" (Master of Kung Fu (I) 18 "Attack!" 06/1974).
- Maître du Kung-Fu (I) 19 "La retraite" (Master of Kung Fu (I) 19 "Retreat" 08/1974).
- Journey into Mystery (I) 74.5 "L'immortalité" (Journey into Mystery (I) 74.5 "Forever is a Long Long Time! 11/1961).